===Data Logger=== //This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.// ===DATALOG.BAS === 100 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 110 ' DATALOG.BAS 120 ' Every second this program will: 130 ' - measure the voltage on pins 1 to 10 140 ' - get the logic level on pins 11 to 20 150 ' - display the data on both the USB and video outputs 160 ' - record it in the file DATALOG.XLS 170 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 180 ' 190 ' configure pins 1 to 10 as analog inputs 200 FOR i = 1 TO 10 : SETPIN i, 1 : NEXT i 210 ' 220 ' configure pins 11 to 20 as digital inputs 230 FOR i = 11 TO 20 : SETPIN i, 2 : NEXT i 240 ' 250 ' zero the data file and print the heading 260 OPEN "DATALOG.XLS" FOR output AS #1 270 PRINT #1, "TIME"; CHR$(9); 280 FOR i = 1 TO 20 : PRINT #1, "PIN";i;CHR$(9); : NEXT 285 PRINT #1 290 CLOSE #1 300 ' 310 ' start the loop 320 TIME$ = "00:00:00" ' zero the time 330 DO 340 TIMER = 0 ' used to time one second 350 t = t - 1 360 IF t <= 0 THEN ' clear screen every 10 loops 370 PRINT CHR$(27) + "[2J"; 380 CLS 390 t = 10 400 ENDIF 410 ' position the cursor at the top of the screen 420 LOCATE 0, 0 ' Cursor home (video) 430 PRINT CHR$(27) + "[H"; ' Cursor home (USB) 440 LOCATE 0, 0 ' Cursor home (video) 450 PRINT " Run Time: "; TIME$: PRINT 460 ' da$ is used to hold the analog data for the card 465 ' dd$ is used to hold the digital data 470 da$ = TIME$ + CHR$(9) : dd$ = "" 480 FOR i = 1 TO 10 485 ' handle the analog pins 490 PRINT " Pin "; FORMAT$(i, "%2g = "); 520 PRINT FORMAT$(PIN(i) * 0.995, "%1.3f"); "V "; 530 da$ = da$ + STR$(PIN(i)) + CHR$(9) 550 ' handle the digital inputs 555 PRINT " Pin "; FORMAT$(i+10, "%2g = "); 560 IF PIN(i+10) THEN PRINT "HIGH" ELSE PRINT "LOW " 570 dd$ = dd$ + STR$(PIN(i+10)) + CHR$(9) 600 NEXT i 610 OPEN "DATALOG.XLS" FOR append AS #1 620 PRINT #1, da$; dd$ 630 CLOSE #1 640 ' 650 ' wait for the one second mark to come up 660 DO WHILE TIMER < 1000 : LOOP 670 LOOP