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MCP342x I2C ADCs using from MMBasic

This article derived from posts by @matherp on TBS
TBS Thread
The MCP3424 is a 4 channel 18 bit ADC with programmable gain (1,2,4,8) and 4 possible i2c addresses allowing up to 16 channels of high resolution conversion (1 LSB=0.015625 millivolts at a gain of 8). The MCP3423 has 2 channels and 4 possible i2c addresses. The MCP3422 is 2 channel on a single fixed i2c address and the MCP3421 is single channel single address. The base address conflicts with DS1307 beware! The MCP3424 is available as a breakout from Jeelabs if you ignore their strange labeling of the i2c signals, 3424 and 3422 are available as SOIC so easy to solder to a PDIP adapter.

The thing I really like about these chips is the programmable gain which allows them to be used for things like strain gauges and thermocouples with no addition signal conditioning.

mmbasic/mcp342x_i2c_adcs.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/10 14:38 by gerry