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Regular Expression Function
The following is the Regular Expression Match function lifted from user Rave's MMUNIX _ UNIX_like commands GREP routine. That in turn used Rob Pike's algorithm. It is reasonably fast and brings a powerful feature to MMBasic. It is not a full-blooded regexp function but catches the following functionality:
. matches any single character [abc] matches a or b or c ? matches zero or one of the previous character * matches zero or more of the previous character e.g. A* is any number of A's + matches one or more of the previous character ^ matches begin of text e.g. ^A means the string must start with A $ matches end of text e.g. A$ means the string must end with A \ Following character to be matched literally. e.g. \? matches ?, \\ matches \ etc.
I extracted the RegExp function so that it could be used as a general function to compare if a string “looks like”…
- It is case sensitive.
- Not a complete set of expressions, but what there is will cover 90% of requirements
- Recursive matching is not supported, e.g.
matching “at”, “hat”, and “cat” will not work correctly. - RegExp returns a non-zero on a match (it might not be 1).
Example: simple match for a string that “looks like” it might
be a time. RegExp is used here to determine the “look and feel” of the tested string - the actual values remain to be checked. See IsTime for a complete solution.
Print RegExp(“^[012][0123456789]:[012345][0123456789]$”,“10:55”)
Function RegExp(regex$,text$) ' case sensitive Local Integer s,n,m,f n=Len(regex$):m=Len(text$) RegExp=0 If Mid$(regex$,1,1)="^" Then MatchHere regex$,text$,2,1,n,m,f RegExp=f Else For s=1 To m MatchHere regex$,text$,1,s,n,m,f If f Then RegExp=s: Exit For Next EndIf End Function Sub MatchHere(regex$,text$,r As Integer,s As Integer,n As Integer,m As Integer,f As Integer) Local Integer i Do While r <= n If Mid$(regex$,r)="$" Then f=s>m: Exit Sub If Mid$(regex$,r,1)="[" Then i=Instr(r+2,regex$,"]") If i Then i=i+1 Else i=r+1 ElseIf Mid$(regex$,r,1)="\" Then i=r+2 Else i=r+1 EndIf If Mid$(regex$,i,1)="*" Then MatchStar regex$,text$,r,i,s,n,m,f Exit Sub EndIf If Mid$(regex$,i,1)="?" Then MatchOptional regex$,text$,r,i,s,n,m,f Exit Sub EndIf If s>m Then f=0: Exit Sub i=r MatchChar regex$,text$,r,s,f If Not f Then Exit Sub If Mid$(regex$,r+1,1)="+" Then MatchStar regex$,text$,i,r+1,s+1,n,m,f Exit Sub EndIf r=r+1:s=s+1 Loop f=1 End Sub Sub MatchStar(regex$,text$,r As Integer,i As Integer,s As Integer,n As Integer,m As Integer,f As Integer) Do MatchHere regex$,text$,i+1,(s),n,m,f If f or s>m Then Exit Sub MatchChar regex$,text$,(r),s,f If Not f Then Exit Sub s=s+1 Loop End Sub Sub MatchOptional(regex$,text$,r As Integer,i As Integer,s As Integer,n As Integer,m As Integer,f As Integer) MatchHere regex$,text$,i+1,(s),n,m,f If f or s>m Then Exit Sub MatchChar regex$,text$,(r),s,f If Not f Then Exit Sub MatchHere regex$,text$,i+1,s+1,n,m,f End Sub Sub MatchChar(regex$,text$,r As Integer,s As Integer,f As Integer) Local Integer i,j f=Mid$(regex$,r,1)="." If f Then Exit Sub If Mid$(regex$,r,1)="[" Then i=Instr(r+2,regex$,"]") If i Then j=Instr(r+1,regex$,Mid$(text$,s,1)) f=j>0 And j<i:r=i Exit Sub EndIf ElseIf Mid$(regex$,r,1)=Chr$(92) Then r=r+1 EndIf f=Mid$(regex$,r,1)=Mid$(text$,s,1) End Sub