Encodes a string so that it is acceptable as the argument part of a URL. Encoding is used when passing a string to a web server to avoid it being confused with the URL itself. It is normally used when the browser sends form data to a web server as part of the URI - when the form uses the GET method and the arguments appear as part of the web address.
Syntax: URLEncode$(expression)
Example: Arg$=URLEncode$(MyArg$)
FUNCTION URLEncode$(X$) LOCAL STRING A1$ LOCAL INTEGER C,H FOR C=1 TO LEN(X$) H = ASC(MID$(X$, C, 1)) IF H=32 THEN A1$ = A1$ + "+" ELSEIF (H>=48 AND H<=57) OR (H>=65 AND H<=90) OR (H>=97 AND H<=122) THEN A1$ = A1$ + CHR$(H) ELSE A1$ = A1$ + "%" + HEX$(H,2) END IF NEXT URLEncode$ = A1$ END FUNCTION
mmbasic/url_encode_function.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:30 by