Table of Contents
SPLIT Function (VB work-a-like)
The Split() function cuts a string at specific points, returning the resultant sub-strings in an array and returns the highest dimension of the array.
The elements of the array are the delimited sub-strings of the input string. e.g.
will break the string at each
return x=3 and the three sub-strings
in elements 1,2 & 3 of the string array.
<li>The sub-strings are always returned in the array
. It is not currently possible to specify another Array.</li> <li>Split() trashes the passed-in string - if this is a problem consider this method.</li> <li>If no delimiter is found, Split() returns 1 - with
as the entire string.</li> <li>Sub-strings are not trimmed in any way.</li> <li>The delimiter can be any length>0. Performing the Split() on the above string, specifying
as the delimiter would return two elements
.</li> <li>The delimiter does not form any part of the sub-strings.</li>
Compatible with all versions of MMBasic.
NumOfElements=Split(StringToSplit, delimeter)
Example usage:
z=Split(Time$,":") FOR n=1 TO z PRINT n,SP$(n) NEXT
The Code:
Function Split(a$,b$) As Integer' returns the number of dimensions in SP$ always starts from 1 regardless of OPTION BASE Local Integer z,n,m If b$="" Then Split=0:Exit Function ' can't split with an empty delimiter ' if SP$ doesn't exist, the ERASE will cause an error, choose which ON ERROR SKIP you need 'MM.Ver <5.04 On Error Skip 'MM.Ver >=5.04 On Error Skip 1 Erase SP$ z=1:n=0 Do 'count instances of delimiter for DIM SP$() z=Instr(z,a$,b$) If z=0 Then If n=0 Then ' no delimeters Dim SP$(1):SP$(1)=a$:Split=1:Exit Function ' only one substring Else Exit Do End If Else n=n+1:z=z+Len(b$) End If Loop m=n+1:n=1 Dim SP$(m) Do z=Instr(1,a$,b$) If z=0 Then SP$(m)=a$:Exit Do Else SP$(n)=Left$(a$,z-1):a$=Mid$(a$,z+Len(b$)):n=n+1 End If Loop Split=m End Function
See also
The cField$ CFunction extracts individual fields from a string in real-time rather than splitting and you might consider this as it offers advantages of speed and memory over Split() but has some limitations in that an empty string is returned if the delimiter is not found and there is no way of telling the number of substrings.