Using Tags
Tags (or keywords) can be added to a page to allow it to be found by searching on that tag. When a tag is searched all pages with that tag are listed.
To add a tag ,select Insert Tag from the Tool Bar
This inserts the following boiler plate text into the page at the current cursor position.
{{tag>Insert Tag-Syntax}}
Replace the boiler plate with the desired tags. Each word becomes a tag. For multi-word tags use an _ (underscore) to join the words or put them in quotes e.g.
{{tag>gui touch}} for tags gui and touch {{tag>gui lcd_panel}} for tags gui and lcd_panel {{tag>gui "lcd panel"}} for tags gui and lcd_panel
The tags above display as below on the saved page
The system will add the tag to the Tag Search Index in the background.
Clicking on the tag in a page will locate other pages with the same tag.
tag/tag-syntax.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/06 13:21 by gerry