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psmenu - simple menu to select a menu item

' MMBasic DOS 5-04-05 Beta 7
' psmenu - version 1
' by Peter Svard , 2017.09.22

'  Show how to use psmenu Sub (and psmenuinit)
Colour 7,0

' setup variables for psmenu
Const psmmax = 10 ' max menu items
Dim psmt(psmmax) As string ' create menu array
Dim eKey As integer ' return eKey-code
Dim mindex As integer ' return menu index
' notes: change menutext using Sub psmenuinit

Cursor 3,2:Print "psmenu   Use cursor Up or Down to move.  Press Enter or ESC to exit."

psmenu 3,5,7,0,eKey,mindex

Cursor 0,18
Print " Return code from psmenu "
Print "    menu index = ";mindex
Print "    exit eKey  = ";eKey


' ----- psmenu -----
' col,row = menu position
' fc,bc   = colour foreground, background
'    eKey = return key ( 13=Enter, 27=ESC-key)
'  mindex = return menu index
Sub psmenu(col As integer,row As integer,fc As integer,bc As integer, eKey As integer, mindex As integer)

Local i As integer
Local t As integer ' inkey$ key-code

' print out the menu
Colour fc,bc
For i=0 To psmmax-1
Cursor col,row+i
Print psmt(i+1)
Next i

i = 0 ' start at first menu item (0=first item)
Colour bc,fc    ' show menu cursor
Cursor col,row+i
Print psmt(i+1);

'  main menu loop start
t=Asc(Inkey$) ' wait for a Key
If t=13 Or t=27 Then ' Enter or ESC-key
    eKey=t ' return eKey-code
    mindex=i+1 ' return menu index
    Exit Do
End If
If t=128 Or t=129 Then ' cursor Up or Down
    Colour fc,bc ' clear menu cursor
    Cursor col,row+i
    Print psmt(i+1)
    If t=128 And i>0 Then i=i-1 ' Up
    If t=129 And i<psmmax-1 Then i=i+1 ' Down
    Colour bc,fc ' show menu cursor
    Cursor col,row+i
    Print psmt(i+1);
End If

Colour 7,0 ' return to default colour

End Sub

Sub psmenuinit()
' add menu text here
psmt(1)="  1. menu item one "
psmt(2)="  2. menu item two "
psmt(3)="  3. menu item three "
psmt(4)="  4. menu item four "
psmt(5)="  5. menu item five "
psmt(6)="  6. menu item six "
psmt(7)="  7. menu item seven "
psmt(8)="  8. menu item eight "
psmt(9)="  9. menu item nine "
psmt(10)=" 10. menu item ten "
End Sub
mmbasic/psmenu_simple_menu_to_select_a_menu_item.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/01 10:39 by gerry