Analog Clock
This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.
Original code by Eugene Villar (for the clock) and Ray Thomas (for the day of week).
Modified for Maximite BASIC v2.4 by Bob Devries, June, 2011
Regards, Bob Devries Dalby, QLD, Australia
Original code:
' ANALOG CLOCK ' Case Study Problem B3: Program 1 ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' written by Eugene Villar ' ~ This program draws a very simple analog clock. ' modified for Maximite BASIC by Bob Devries '*** modified by Hugh Buckle in Dec 2011 to request and verify current date and time Timer = Val(Left$(Time$,2)) * 3600 + Val(Mid$(Time$,4,2)) * 60 + Val(Right$(Time$,2)) '*** Get current date and time '*** days in each month used in the date/time request subroutine Data 31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 GoSub L004 ' Clock border Cls Line(0,0)-(480,432),1,BF:Line(11,12)-(469,421),0,BF GoSub L001 Locate 20,20:Print"MAXIMITE" Locate 20,30:Print"MMBASIC v";:GoSub L002 :Print version$; start=(MM.HRes/2)-((prtlen*6)/2):stop=(MM.HRes/2)+((prtlen*6)/2)-1 For xx=start To stop:For yy=1 To 11: Pixel(xx,yy)=Not(Pixel(xx,yy)): Next yy,xx Circle(240,216), 200, 1 Circle(240,216),199,1 For i=0 To 59 rads=i*3.14159265/30 If i Mod 5 <> 0 Then x1=Sin(rads)*195+240 y1=-Cos(rads)*195+216 Else x1=Sin(rads)*190+240 y1=-Cos(rads)*190+216 EndIf x2=Sin(rads)*200+240 y2=-Cos(rads)*200+216 Line(x1,y1)-(x2,y2),1 Next i ' Previous hand positions PHrX = 240: PHrY = 216 PMnX = 240: PMnY = 216 PScX = 240: PScY = 216 ' Clock display loop Do ' Wait for a second to elapse t$=Time$: Timed = Val(Left$(t$,2)) * 3600 + Val(Mid$(t$,4,2)) * 60 + Val(Right$(t$,2)) Do Pin(0)=0 Pause 999 Pin(0)=1 Loop Until Int(Timer)/1000 <> Timed ' Calculate the time values T$=Time$:TimeNow = Val(Left$(T$,2)) * 3600 + Val(Mid$(t$,4,2)) * 60 + Val(Right$(t$,2)) Second = TimeNow Mod 60 Minute = (TimeNow \ 60) Mod 60 Minute = Minute + Second \ 60 Hour = TimeNow / 3600 If Hour >= 12 Then Hour = Hour - 12 ' Compute the angles (converted to radians) HrAng = .523599 * Hour MnAng = .10472 * Minute ScAng = .10472 * Second ' Compute the hands' endpoints HrX = Sin(HrAng) * 120 + 240: HrY = 0 - Cos(HrAng) * 120 + 216 MnX = Sin(MnAng) * 180 + 240: MnY = 0 - Cos(MnAng) * 180 + 216 ScX = Sin(ScAng) * 190 + 240: ScY = 0 - Cos(ScAng) * 190 + 216 ' Erase the previous hands Line(240, 216)-(PHrx, PHry),0 Line(240, 216)-(PMnx, PMny),0 Line(240, 216)-(PScx, PScy),0 ' Draw the current hands Line(240, 216)-(HrX, HrY),1 Line(240, 216)-(MnX, MnY),1 Line(240, 216)-(ScX, ScY),1 ' Save the hands' position PHrX = HrX: PHrY = HrY PMnX = MnX: PMnY = MnY PScX = ScX: PScY = ScY Loop Until Inkey$ = Chr$(27) End L001: 'WeekDay.bas Ray Thomas September 2000 Dim TxtDay$(7) Dim TxtMonth$(12) Data "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday" Data "January","February","March","April","May","June","July" Data "August","September","October","November","December" For Count = 0 To 6 Read TxtDay$(Count) Next Count For Count = 0 To 11 Read TxtMonth$(Count) Next Count UserDate$ = Date$ '*** Split out the day, month and year *** Day = Val(Left$(UserDate$, 2)) Month = Val(Mid$(UserDate$, 4, 2)) Year = Val(Right$(UserDate$, 4)) OldYear = Year OldMonth=Month '*** start the print out Suffix$ = "th" If Day Mod 10 = 1 Then Suffix$ = "st" If Day Mod 10 = 2 Then Suffix$ = "nd" If Day Mod 10 = 3 Then Suffix$ = "rd" If Day > 10 And Day < 14 Then Suffix$ = "th" '*** For any date in Jan or Feb add 12 to the month and '*** subtract 1 from the year If Month < 3 Then Month = Month + 12 Year = Year - 1 EndIf '*** Add 1 to the month and multiply by 2.61 '*** Drop the fraction (not round) afterwards Month = Month + 1 Month = Fix(Month * 2.61) '*** Add Day, Month and the last two digits of the year NewYear$ = Str$(Year) Year = Val(Right$(NewYear$, 2)) DMY = Day + Month + Year Century = Val(Left$(NewYear$, 2)) '*** Add a quarter of the last two digits of the year '*** (truncated not rounded) Year = Fix(Year / 4) DMY = DMY + Year '*** Add the following factors for the year If Century = 18 Then Century = 2 If Century = 19 Then Century = 0 If Century = 20 Then Century = 6 If Century = 21 Then Century = 4 DMY = DMY + Century '*** The day of the week is the modulus of DMY divided by 7 DMY = DMY Mod 7 prt$=TxtDay$(DMY)+", "+Str$(Day)+Suffix$+" of "+TxtMonth$(OldMonth-1)+", "+Str$(OldYear) prtlen=Len(prt$) Locate (480-(prtlen*6))/2,1:Print prt$ Return L002: ver$=Str$(MM.Ver) L003: verpos=Instr(ver$,".") If verpos = 0 Then ver$=ver$+".0":GoTo L003 ver1$=Left$(ver$,verpos-1) ver2$=Mid$(ver$,verpos+1,2) ver3$=Right$(ver$,Len(ver$)-verpos) ver4$=Str$(Val(Left$(ver3$,2))) If Len(ver3$)>2 Then ver5=Val(Right$(ver3$,2)):ver5$=Chr$(ver5+64) version$=ver1$+"."+ver4$+ver5$ Return '*** L004: '*** Subroutine to request and verify the current date and time - Hugh Buckle 12/2011 Cls '*** days in each month Dim DaysInMth(12) For i = 1 To 12 Read DaysInMth(i) Next '*** L005: '*** Ask if date and time to be entered Print "System date & time are " Date$ " " Time$ Input "Do you wish to change them (y/n)"; Reply$ If LCase$(Reply$) = "n" Then Return ElseIf LCase$(Reply$) <> "y" Then Print " Sorry I didn't understand your reply. Please answer Y or N" GoTo L005 EndIf '*** L006: '*** ask for current date Input "Enter date dd-mm-yyyy"; reply$ i = Instr(1,reply$,"-") If i > 1 Then day = Val(Left$(reply$,i-1)) Else Print "Please use format dd-mm-yy." Print GoTo L006 EndIf j = Instr(i+1,reply$,"-") If j > i + 1 Then month = Val(Mid$(reply$,i+1,j-i-1)) year = Val(Right$(reply$, Len(reply$) - j)) EndIf If Month < 1 Or Month > 12 Then Print "Month error. Please use format dd-mm-yyyy" Print GoTo L006 EndIf If day < 1 Or day > DaysInMth(Month) Then Print "Day error. Please use format dd-mm-yyyy" Print GoTo L006 EndIf '*** leap years are evenly divisible by 4 '*** however those evenly divisible by 100 are not unless they are evenly divisible by 400 If month = 2 And day > 28 Then If year Mod 4 <> 0 Or year/100 Mod 4 <> 0 Then Print year " is not a leap year." Print GoTo L006 EndIf EndIf Date$ = reply$ '*** L007: '*** Ask for current time Input "Enter time hh:mm[:ss] "; reply$ i = Instr(1,reply$,":") If i > 1 Then hour = Val(Left$(reply$,i-1)) Else Print "Please use format hh:mm[:ss]" Print GoTo L007 EndIf j = Instr(i+1,reply$,":") '*** if no second colon then seconds have been omitted If j = 0 Then minute = Val(Right$(Reply$, Len(reply$) - i)) second = 0 Else minute = Val(Mid$(reply$,i+1,j-i-1)) second = Val(Right$(reply$, Len(reply$) - j)) EndIf If hour < 0 Or Hour > 24 Or minute < 0 Or minute > 59 Or second < 0 Or second > 59 Then Print "Time error. Please use format hh:mm[:ss] where seconds are optional." Print GoTo L007 EndIf Time$ = reply$ Return '*** End HB mod 12/2011
Modified code:
' ANALOG CLOCK ' Case Study Problem B3: Program 1 ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' written by Eugene Villar ' ~ This program draws a very simple analog clock. ' modified for Maximite BASIC by Bob Devries ' modified for colour by Geoff Graham If MM.Device$ <> "Colour Maximite" Then Print "This program requires the Colour Maximite" End EndIf Timer = Val(Left$(Time$,2)) * 3600 + Val(Mid$(Time$,4,2)) * 60 + Val(Right$(Time$,2)) ' Clock border Mode 3 Cls Line(0,0)-(480,432),Cyan,BF:Line(11,12)-(469,421),0,BF GoSub L001 Colour Green Locate 20,20:Print "MAXIMITE" Locate 20,30:Print "MMBASIC v";:GoSub L002 :Print version$; Colour White Circle(240,216), 200, Yellow Circle(240,216),199, Yellow For i=0 To 59 rads=i*3.14159265/30 If i Mod 5 <> 0 Then x1=Sin(rads)*195+240 y1=-Cos(rads)*195+216 Else x1=Sin(rads)*190+240 y1=-Cos(rads)*190+216 EndIf x2=Sin(rads)*200+240 y2=-Cos(rads)*200+216 Line(x1,y1)-(x2,y2),Yellow Next i ' Previous hand positions PHrX = 240: PHrY = 216 PMnX = 240: PMnY = 216 PScX = 240: PScY = 216 ' Clock display loop Do ' Wait for a second to elapse t$=Time$: Timed = Val(Left$(t$,2)) * 3600 + Val(Mid$(t$,4,2)) * 60 + Val(Right$(t$,2)) Do Pin(0)=0 Pause 999 Pin(0)=1 Loop Until Int(Timer)/1000 <> Timed ' Calculate the time values T$=Time$:TimeNow = Val(Left$(T$,2)) * 3600 + Val(Mid$(t$,4,2)) * 60 + Val(Right$(t$,2)) Second = TimeNow Mod 60 Minute = (TimeNow \ 60) Mod 60 Minute = Minute + Second \ 60 Hour = TimeNow / 3600 If Hour >= 12 Then Hour = Hour - 12 ' Compute the angles (converted to radians) HrAng = .523599 * (Hour + Minute/60) MnAng = .10472 * (Minute + Second/60) ScAng = .10472 * Second ' Compute the hands' endpoints HrX = Sin(HrAng) * 120 + 240: HrY = 0 - Cos(HrAng) * 120 + 216 MnX = Sin(MnAng) * 180 + 240: MnY = 0 - Cos(MnAng) * 180 + 216 ScX = Sin(ScAng) * 190 + 240: ScY = 0 - Cos(ScAng) * 190 + 216 ' make the tick sound Sound 3000, 5, 1 ' Draw the current hands ' we erase then immediately redraw to avoid flicker ' then one final redraw incase the hands overlapped Line(240, 216)-(PScx, PScy),0 ' Erase the previous second hand Line(240, 216)-(ScX, ScY),Red ' Draw the second hand Line(240, 216)-(PMnx, PMny),0 ' Erase the previous minute hand Line(240, 216)-(MnX, MnY),Purple ' Draw the minute hand Line(240, 216)-(PHrx, PHry),0 ' Erase the previous hour hand Line(240, 216)-(HrX, HrY),Purple ' Draw the hour hand ' Save the hands' position PHrX = HrX: PHrY = HrY PMnX = MnX: PMnY = MnY PScX = ScX: PScY = ScY Loop Until Inkey$ = Chr$(27) End L001: 'WeekDay.bas Ray Thomas September 2000 Dim TxtDay$(7) Dim TxtMonth$(12) Data "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday" Data "January","February","March","April","May","June","July" Data "August","September","October","November","December" For Count = 0 To 6 Read TxtDay$(Count) Next Count For Count = 0 To 11 Read TxtMonth$(Count) Next Count UserDate$ = Date$ '*** Split out the day, month and year *** Day = Val(Left$(UserDate$, 2)) Month = Val(Mid$(UserDate$, 4, 2)) Year = Val(Right$(UserDate$, 4)) OldYear = Year OldMonth=Month '*** start the print out Suffix$ = "th" If Day Mod 10 = 1 Then Suffix$ = "st" If Day Mod 10 = 2 Then Suffix$ = "nd" If Day Mod 10 = 3 Then Suffix$ = "rd" If Day > 10 And Day < 14 Then Suffix$ = "th" '*** For any date in Jan or Feb add 12 to the month and '*** subtract 1 from the year If Month < 3 Then Month = Month + 12 Year = Year - 1 EndIf '*** Add 1 to the month and multiply by 2.61 '*** Drop the fraction (not round) afterwards Month = Month + 1 Month = Fix(Month * 2.61) '*** Add Day, Month and the last two digits of the year NewYear$ = Str$(Year) Year = Val(Right$(NewYear$, 2)) DMY = Day + Month + Year Century = Val(Left$(NewYear$, 2)) '*** Add a quarter of the last two digits of the year '*** (truncated not rounded) Year = Fix(Year / 4) DMY = DMY + Year '*** Add the following factors for the year If Century = 18 Then Century = 2 If Century = 19 Then Century = 0 If Century = 20 Then Century = 6 If Century = 21 Then Century = 4 DMY = DMY + Century '*** The day of the week is the modulus of DMY divided by 7 DMY = DMY Mod 7 prt$=TxtDay$(DMY)+", "+Str$(Day)+Suffix$+" of "+TxtMonth$(OldMonth-1)+", "+Str$(OldYear) prtlen=Len(prt$) Locate (480-(prtlen*6))/2,0:Print CLR$(Black, Cyan) prt$ Return L002: ver$=Str$(MM.Ver) L003: verpos=Instr(ver$,".") If verpos = 0 Then ver$=ver$+".0":GoTo L003 ver1$=Left$(ver$,verpos-1) ver2$=Mid$(ver$,verpos+1,2) ver3$=Right$(ver$,Len(ver$)-verpos) ver4$=Str$(Val(Left$(ver3$,2))) If Len(ver3$)>2 Then ver5=Val(Right$(ver3$,2)):ver5$=Chr$(ver5+64) version$=ver1$+"."+ver4$+ver5$ Return
mmbasic_original/analog_clock.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/29 17:54 by gerry