Driving LCD with i2c interface
This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.
Nice project to drive a standard HD4478 based LCD from an I2C port expander.
' ' provided PIcAxe code ' ' Maximite modifications by John Gerrard ' ' +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ' | | ' | LCD DISPLAY Hitachi HD44780 Standard | ' | | ' | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | ' +-+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-+ ' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ' GND V+ CNT RS RW E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 LV+ LGND ' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ' = +5 | | = | | | | | ' | +-+ | | | | | | | ' | < | | | | | | | ' | 4k7 ><+ +------------------+ | | | | ' | < | | | | | | ' +-----+ | | | | | | ' | | | | | | ' | | | | | | ' | | | | | | ' | | | | | | ' to Maximite I2C | | | | | | ' ^ ^ | | | | | | ' +3.3| | ++ | | | | | ' | | | | | | | | | | | | ' +-+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-+ | | | | ' | V+ SDA SCD INT P7 P6 P5 P4| | | | | ' | | | | | | ' D PCF8574 port expander | | | | | ' | | | | | | ' | A0 A1 A2 P0 P1 P2 P3 GND| | | | | ' +-+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-+ | | | | ' | | | | | | | | | | | | ' +---+---+ | | | +------------------------+ ' | | | +------------------------+ ' gnd | +------------------------+ ' +------------------------+ ' ' I2CEN 100,100 ' Enable I2C I2CAddr = &H20 ' this is the 8574 I2C address ' A2=A1=A0=0 <-> x100 000x 'Name 8574 bit LCD '---- -------- --- DB4 = 0 ' LCD Data Line 4 (pin 11) DB5 = 1 ' LCD Data Line 5 (pin 12) DB6 = 2 ' LCD Data Line 6 (pin 13) DB7 = 3 ' LCD Data Line 7 (pin 14) RS = 4 ' 0 = Command 1 = Data (pin 4) ' 5 free (to pin 15 for lcd bk light, for ex.) ' 6 free E = 7 ' 0 = Idle 1 = Active (pin 6) RSCMDmask = &B00000000 ' Select Command register RSDATmask = &B00010000 ' Select Data register = High P4 on 8574 Emask = &B11100000 ' Enable = P7 on 8574 Dim CNT(6) CNT(0) = &H33 ' %0011---- %0011---- 8-bit / 8-bit CNT(1) = &H32 ' %0011---- %0010---- 8-bit / 4-bit ' Byte commands - To configure the LCD ' ' Display Format ' 4bit mode, 2 lines, 5x7 ' ' 001LNF00 CNT(2) = &B00101000 ' %00101000 ' L : 0 = 4-bit Mode 1 = 8-bit Mode ' N : 0 = 1 Line 1 = 2 Lines ' F : 0 = 5x7 Pixels 1 = N/A ' ' Setup Display ' Display ON, Cursor On, Cursor Steady ' ' 00001DCB CNT(3) = &B00001100 ' %00001110 ' D : 0 = Display Off 1 = Display On ' C : 0 = Cursor Off 1 = Cursor On ' B : 0 = Cursor Steady 1 = Cursor Flash ' ' Setup Cursor/Display ' Inc Cursor Cursor Move ' ' 000001IS CNT(4) = &B00000110 ' %000001IS Cursor Move ' I : 0 = Dec Cursor 1 = Inc Cursor ' S : 0 = Cursor Move 1 = Display Shift CNT(5) = &B00000001 ' Clear Screen GoSub InitialiseLcd ' Initialise the LCD Menu: line1$ = "2x20 LCD Test" ' Add your text here line2$ = "2nd Line" ' And here Gosub Line1 ' or gosub LCD_Mainloop if you want clear the screen ' Add key press stuff here Goto menu ' I2C LCD LCD_Mainloop: aByte = CNT(5) 'Clear Screen GoSub SendCmdByte Line1: aByte = &B00000010 ' Put cursor at start of Line 1 GoSub SendCmdByte For i = 1 To Len(Line1$) aByte = Asc(Mid$(Line1$, i, 1)) GoSub SendDataByte Next i If line2$ = "" Then Return EndIf Line2: aByte = &H80 Or &H40 ' Put cursor at start of Line 2 GoSub SendCmdByte For i = 1 To Len(Line2$) aByte = Asc(Mid$(Line2$, i, 1)) GoSub SendDataByte Next i Return ' INITIALIZE LCD ' ----------------------------------------------------------------- ' InitialiseLcd: For index = 0 To 5 aByte = CNT(index) GoSub SendInitCmdByte Next Return ' SEND INIT CMD BYTE - SEND CMD BYTE - SEND DATA BYTE ' ----------------------------------------------------------------- ' SendInitCmdByte: SendCmdByte: rsbit = RSCMDmask ' Send to Command register SendDataByte: ' ' put MSB OUT 1st ' temp = (aByte \ &B10000) Or rsbit GoSub DirectSendCmd ' ' put LSB ' temp = aByte And &H0F Or rsbit rsbit = RSDATmask ' Send to Data register next DirectSendCmd: temp = temp Xor Emask ' E=1 I2CSEND i2caddr, 0, 1, temp ' send to 8574 Pause 2 temp = temp Xor Emask ' E=0 I2CSEND i2caddr, 0, 1, temp Return
mmbasic_original/driving_lcd_with_i2c_interface.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/24 17:19 by gerry