
Sprite Demonstration

This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.

'                              SPRITE DEMONSTRATION
'                              by Nickolas Marentes
'                                   June 2013

Mode 3                                        ' Set video mode
LoadBMP"backdrop"                             ' Load backdrop image
Sprite Load "sprites"                         ' Load sprite definitions

Dim p(8,4)                                    ' Define array size

For n=1 To 8                                  ' Set all 8 sprites data
  p(n,1)=n*25+125                             '   X co-ordinate
  p(n,2)=216                                  '   Y co-ordinate
  p(n,3)=Fix(Rnd*4)+1                         '   Random 4 direction
  Sprite on n,n*25+125,216                    ' Turn on sprite
Next n


  For n=1 To 8                                ' Start of main game loop

    On p(n,3) GoTo LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN         ' Branch to direction

      LEFT:                                   ' Move sprite left
      Sprite copy 11+b To n                   ' Copy sprite buffer graphics
      p(n,1)=p(n,1)-1                         ' Decrement X co-ordinate
      GoTo REDRAW                             ' Branch to sprite redraw

      RIGHT:                                  ' Move sprite right
      Sprite copy 9+b To n                    ' Copy sprite buffer graphics
      p(n,1)=p(n,1)+1                         ' Increment X co-ordinate
      GoTo REDRAW                             ' Branch to sprite redraw

      UP:                                     ' Move sprite up
      Sprite copy 13+b To n                   ' Copy sprite buffer graphics
      p(n,2)=p(n,2)-1                         ' Decrement Y co-ordinate
      GoTo REDRAW                             ' Branch to sprite redraw

      DOWN:                                   ' Move sprite down
      Sprite copy 15+b To n                   ' Copy sprite buffer graphics
      p(n,2)=p(n,2)+1                         ' Increment Y co-ordinate


      Sprite move n,p(n,1),p(n,2)             ' Move current sprite

    If Collision(n,edge)>0 Then GoTo BOUNCE   ' Test for edge of screen

    If Collision(n,sprite)>0 Then GoTo BOUNCE ' Test for another sprite

    If Rnd>.99 Then p(n,3)=Fix(Rnd*4)+1       ' Randomly decide to turn

    Next n                                    ' Loop back for next sprite

c=c+1                                         ' Counter for sprite animate
If c>8 Then b=b Xor 1:c=0                    ' Sets speed of animation

GoTo GAMELOOP                                 ' Do it all again

BOUNCE:                                       ' reverse sprite direction
  p(n,3)=p(n,3)+1                             ' Reverse direction
  If p(n,3)=3 Then p(n,3)=1
  If p(n,3)=5 Then p(n,3)=3
GoTo MOVEGHOST                                ' Go back to redraw sprite

mmbasic_original/sprite_demonstration.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:39 by