command to print text files on screen
This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.
' * Show command v1.1 by Juri Fossaroli * a$=MM.CmdLine$ If a$="" Then Input "input filename to show";a$ If a$="/?" Or a$="/i" Or a$="/I" Then ? "Show command v1.1 by Juri Fossaroli" ? "Use this command to print text files on screen":? ? "Usage:":?:?">Show [option] filename":? ? "Options:":? ? "/? or /i or /I : this help" ? "/c or /C : display text continuosly, normally text is showed with" ? " a pause every page" ? "/h or /H : display the file in Hex format (alway paused)":? ? "if no filename is specified then you'll be asked for one, you can use an" ? "option too placing it before the filename" ? "If no options and the file is a BMP file it will be displayed":?:End EndIf opt$=Left$(a$,3):pause=1:hexmode=0:max=2800:blip=0:ln=0:ext=1:ext$=Right$(a$,4) If opt$="/c " Or opt$="/C " Then pause=0:a$=Right$(a$,Len(a$)-3):ext=0 If opt$="/h " Or opt$="/H " Then b$="":max=0:hexmode=1:a$=Right$(a$,Len(a$)-3) If ext=1 And LCase$(ext$)=".bmp" And max>0 Then LoadBMP a$ GoSub waitkey End EndIf Open a$ For input As 1 If hexmode=1 GoTo hxx Do a$=Input$(1,#1) If a$=Chr$(13) Then max=max-(79-Pos) max=max-1:? a$; If pause=1 And max=0 Then GoSub waitkey If max=0 Then max=2800 If Eof(#1)=-1 Then Close 1:End Loop hxx: maxx=0 Do a$=Input$(1,#1):z$="":zz$="" If maxx <4096 Then z$="0" If maxx <256 Then z$="00" If maxx <16 Then z$="000" If max=0 Then Font 1,,1:? " 0x"+z$+Hex$(maxx)+Tab(2);:Font 1,,0:? " : "; If Asc(a$)<16 Then zz$="0" ? zz$+Hex$(Asc(a$))+" "; If Asc(a$)>127 Then ot=1 a$=Chr$(Asc(a$) And 127) If Asc(a$)=127 Then a$=" " If Asc(a$)<32 Then a$=" " If ot=1 Then a$=Chr$(128)+Chr$(199)+a$+CLR$(7,0):ot=0 b$=b$+a$:max=max+1:If max=16 Then max=0:? Chr$(34)+b$+Chr$(34):b$="":ln=ln+1 If Eof(#1)=-1 And max<16 Then ? Tab(60)Chr$(34)+b$+Chr$(34):Close 1:End If Eof(#1)=-1 Then Close 1:End If ln=35 Then ln=0: GoSub waitkey maxx=maxx+1 Loop waitkey: If blip=1 Then Print @(0,35*12)Space$(29)"Press a key to continue"Space$(28) If blip=500 Then Print @(0,35*12)Space$(60) If blip=999 Then blip=0 blip=blip+1:If Asc(Inkey$)=0 GoTo waitkey ? @(0,34*12)"":Return
mmbasic_original/command_to_print_text_files_on_screen.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:39 by