ColourMM Sprites test
This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.
Colour Maximite V4.0 Demos from Fabrice Muller, France
Sprites3: It was one of my first tests of Sprites and Blitter at same time and music modules for the background music. Here it's nothing to do. Just look at the source to learn how to use everything together.
Don't forget to copy the *.mod files to “a:” before starting the demos that need them.
'ColourMM Sprites test Option Base 1 Dim SprNum(5) Dim XCoord(5) Dim YCoord(5) Dim SprDir(5) Dim PixCol(5) Dim PixLR(5) Dim LemRun(5) ScreenY = 0 ScreenDir = 1 ModNum = 1 SprOffs = 16 NumSprites = 5 MaxSpr = 5 Mode 4 Cls Drive "b:" LoadBMP "level001.bmp",0,ScreenY + 2 Sprite Load "lemmings.spr" Randomize Timer For a = 1 To MaxSpr SprNum(a) = 1 + (SprOffs * (a-1)) SprDir(a) = 1 XCoord(a) = 52 YCoord(a) = 35 PixCol(a) = 0 PixLR(a) = 0 LemRun(a) = 0 Next a MaxSpr = 1 Timer = 0 Drive "a:" PlayMOD "track_01.mod" Do While 1 If (ModNum = 1) And (Timer >= 53000) Then PlayMOD stop ModNum = 2 Timer = 0 PlayMOD "track_03.mod" EndIf If (ModNum = 2) And (Timer >= 53000) Then PlayMOD stop ModNum = 3 Timer = 0 PlayMOD "track_09.mod" EndIf If (ModNum = 3) And (Timer >= 60900) Then PlayMOD stop ModNum = 1 Timer = 0 PlayMOD "track_01.mod" EndIf If MaxSpr < NumSprites Then If Timer > 1500 And MaxSpr = 1 Then MaxSpr = 2 If Timer > 3000 And MaxSpr = 2 Then MaxSpr = 3 If Timer > 4500 And MaxSpr = 3 Then MaxSpr = 4 If Timer > 6000 And MaxSpr = 4 Then MaxSpr = 5 EndIf For a = 1 To MaxSpr PixCol(a) = Pixel(XCoord(a) + 8,YCoord(a) + 17 + ScreenY) If SprDir(a) = 1 Then PixLR(a) = Pixel(XCoord(a) + 12,YCoord(a) + 5 + ScreenY) If (PixLR(a) <> 0) Or (XCoord(a) > (MM.HRes - 10)) Then SprDir(a) = -1 SprNum(a) = 9 + (SprOffs * (a-1)) EndIf Else PixLR(a) = Pixel(XCoord(a) + 4,YCoord(a) + 5 + ScreenY) If (PixLR(a) <> 0) Or (XCoord(a) < -5) Then SprDir(a) = 1 SprNum(a) = 1 + (SprOffs * (a-1)) EndIf EndIf Next a For a = 1 To MaxSpr Sprite on SprNum(a), XCoord(a) , YCoord(a) + ScreenY Next a ScreenY = ScreenY + Screendir If ScreenY > 50 Then ScreenDir = -1 If ScreenY < 2 Then ScreenDir = 1 Do While (Timer Mod 90) < 80 Loop For a = MaxSpr To 1 Step -1 Sprite off SprNum(a) Next a BLIT 0,ScreenY ,0,ScreenY + ScreenDir,MM.HRes,154 For a = 1 To MaxSpr If LemRun(a) = 1 Then SprNum(a) = SprNum(a) + 1 EndIf If SprDir(a) = 1 Then If SprNum(a) > (8 + (SprOffs * (a-1))) Then SprNum(a) = 1 + (SprOffs * (a-1)) Else If SprNum(a) > (16 +(SprOffs * (a-1))) Then SprNum(a) = 9 + (SprOffs * (a-1)) EndIf Next a For a = 1 To MaxSpr If LemRun(a) = 1 Then XCoord(a) = XCoord(a) + SprDir(a) If PixCol(a) <> 0 Then 'Lemming have to go up YCoord(a) = YCoord(a) - 1 Else 'Lemming have to go down YCoord(a) = YCoord(a) + 1 EndIf Else If PixCol(a) <> 0 Then LemRun(a) = 1 Else YCoord(a) = YCoord(a) + 2 EndIf EndIf Next a Loop
mmbasic_original/colourmm_sprites_test.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:39 by