This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.
' Dump a text file to screen, showing all printables and non-printables. ' Non-printables denoted by their ASCII codes ' Author: Rodney Entwistle from a Unix idea in the 1980s ' Input "Enter filename: ",fname$ ' Dump this file Open fname$ For input As #1 ch_per_line=12: lines_per_page=35 ' To fit screen size count=0:line_no=1:ch_count=0 ' Initiate counters Font 1,1,1:Print Format$(ch_count+1,"%5.0f");:Font 1,1,0 'Look after first line Do ' Sequentially read entire file a$=Input$(1,#1) ' Read a single ASCII character" If (Asc(a$)>32 And Asc(a$)<>127) Then ' Select printables Print " ";a$; Else Print " \";Format$(Asc(a$),"%03.0f"); ' Select non-printables EndIf count=count+1:ch_count=ch_count+1 If count=ch_per_line Then ' End of line line_no=line_no+1 Font 1,1,1:Print Chr$(10);Chr$(13);Format$(ch_count+1,"%5.0f");:Font 1,1,0 count=0 EndIf If line_no=lines_per_page Then ' End of page Font 1,1,1 Print Chr$(13);" Press space bar for next page or 'q' to end: "; key: Do: b$=Inkey$: Loop Until b$<>"" 'Wait for key to be pressed If b$="q" Or b$="Q" Then GoTo finish If b$<>Chr$(32) Then GoTo key Print Chr$(10);Chr$(10);Chr$(13); ' move to new line Print Format$(ch_count+1,"%5.0f"); ' Print character number Font 1,1,0 line_no=0 EndIf Loop Until Eof(#1) finish: Close #1
mmbasic_original/textlook_bas.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:39 by