
Sprite demo: Breakout

This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.

Colour Maximite V4.0 Demos from Fabrice Muller, France

Arcade: Arcade game where you have to shoot enemies until you die 3 times. It shows how to use multi-sprite enemies, audio modules as sound effects and ADC input for moving your ship Right/Left with a potentiometer + a Button to fire.


'Breakout Game demo for Colour Maximite v4.0
'Fabrice Muller
'Connect a potentiometer to Pin 2
'                Pin 2
'                  |
'                  |
'                /   \
' +3v3 ----------| o |---------- GND
'                \___/
'         10Kohm Potentiometer

'All Arrays start at 0
Option base 0
'Setup the Pin 2 as ADC input
SetPin 2,1
'array for a 15 x 8 bricks wall
Dim Brick(14,7)
'Load the Sprites
Drive "b:"
Sprite Load "Break.spr"
RackSize = 32
'Put the screen in 240 x 216 pixels
Mode 4
Print @(100 , 80) "Press a key to start"
Do While Inkey$ = "" : Loop
Lives = 3
Level = 1
'Maximum number of level you created
Max_Level = 4
'Load level 1 at start
Racket = Pot_Read(2)
Randomize Timer
ballx = Rnd * (MM.HRes -40) + 20
bally = 90
dx = 0
Do While dx = 0
 dx = Rnd(5) - 2
dy = -2
'Draw the Racket and the Ball
Sprite On 1,racket,200
Sprite On 2,racket + 16,200
Sprite On 3,ballx,bally
Sprite_Flip = 0
 'Main loop
Do While 1
 'Get racket position
 Racket = Pot_Read(2)
 RackRight = Racket + RackSize
 'Move the Racket and the Ball
 If Sprite_Flip = 1 Then
  Sprite off 1
  Sprite off 2
  Sprite off 3
  Sprite on 1,racket,200
  Sprite on 2,racket + 16,200
  Sprite on 3,ballx,bally
  Sprite_Flip = 0
  Sprite off 3
  Sprite off 2
  Sprite off 1
  Sprite on 3,ballx,bally
  Sprite on 2,racket + 16,200
  Sprite on 1,racket,200
  Sprite_Flip = 1
 ballx = ballx + dx
 bally = bally + dy
 If bally >= 190 Then Racket_Test
 If bally <= 3 Then dy = Abs(dy)
 If ballx > (MM.HRes - 7) Then dx = -dx
 If ballx < 1 Then dx = Abs(dx)
 ShootY = Int(bally / 8)
 If (ShootY >= 0) And (ShootY <= 7) Then
  ShootX = Int(Ballx / 16)
  If ShootX <= 14 Then Test_the_Bricks
 Pause 20

Sub Racket_Test
 If (ballx < (Racket - 7)) Or (ballx > RackRight) Then
  Lives = Lives - 1
  If Lives = 0 Then
   Print @(100 , 90) "GAME OVER !"
   Sound 500,500
   Print @(60 , 110) "Press a key to restart"
   Do While Inkey$ = "" : Loop
   Sprite Off 3
   Bally = 90
   Ballx = Int(Rnd * (MM.HRes - 30) + 10)
   Sprite On 3,Ballx,Bally
   Exit Sub
 Sound 700,10
 dy = -dy
 If (ballx >= Racket) And (ballx >= Racket + Int(RackSize / 4)) Then
   If dx > 0 Then dx = -3
 If (Ballx >= Racket + Int(RackSize/4)) And (Ballx <= Racket + Int(RackSize/2)) Then
  If dx > 0 Then dx = -2
 If (Ballx >= (Racket + Int(RackSize / 2)+Int(RackSize / 4))) And (Ballx <= RackRight) Then
  If dx < 0 Then dx = 2
End Sub

Sub Test_the_Bricks
 If ShootX < 0 Then ShootX = 0
 If brick(ShootX,ShootY) = 1 Then
  brick(ShootX,ShootY) = 0
  Sound 1000,20
  Sprite Off 3
  Line (ShootX*16,ShootY*8)-((ShootX*16)+15,(ShootY*8)+7),0,bf
  Sprite On 3,ballx,bally
  score = score + 10
  Print @(0 , 200) score;" "
  If (score Mod 1200) = 0 Then
   'Load the next level
   Level = Level + 1
   If Level > Max_Level Then
    Print @(100 , 80) "You win !"
    Print @(70 , 100) "Press a key to restart"
    Do While Inkey$ = "" : Loop
   Sprite Off 1
   Sprite Off 2
   Sprite Off 3
   Bally = 90
   Ballx = Int(Rnd * (MM.HRes - 30) + 10)
   Sprite On 1,racket,200
   Sprite On 2,racket + 16,200
   Sprite On 3,Ballx,Bally
   Sprite_Flip = 0
   dy = Abs(dy)
   Exit Sub
  If dy > 0 Then
   dy = -dy
   dy = Abs(dy)
End Sub

Sub Load_Level(Number)
 'Here we load a bmp and it's related
 'data array
 Local FileBMP$,FileBrick$
 Local Input_Line$
 Local a,b

 FileBMP$ = "brick"
 If Number < 10 Then FileBMP$ = FileBMP$ + "0" + Str$(Number) + ".bmp"
 If Number >= 10 Then FileBMP$ = FileBMP$ + Str$(Number) + ".bmp"
 FileBrick$ = "brick"
 If Number < 10 Then FileBrick$ = FileBrick$ + "0" + Str$(Number) + ".lvl"
 If Number >= 10 Then FileBrick$ = FileBrick$ + Str$(Number) + ".lvl"
 'We load the Wall BMP
 LoadBMP FileBMP$,0,0
 'We load the data array for this level
 Open FileBrick$ For input As #1
  For a = 0 To 7
   Line Input #1,Input_Line$
   For b = 0 To 14
    If Mid$(Input_line$,b+1,1) <> " " Then
        Brick(b,a) = 1
        Brick(b,a) = 0
   Next b
  Next a
 Close #1
End Sub

Function Pot_Read(ADC_Pin)
 'Read the potentiometer value for place
 'the X coordinate from the Ship
 'ADC_Pin is the pin number we have define for ADC input
 Local CalcPot , tmppos
 CalcPot = 3 / MM.HRes
 tmppos = Int((Pin(ADC_Pin) -0.1) / CalcPot)
 If tmppos > (MM.HRes - 32) Then tmppos = MM.HRes - 32
 Pot_Read = tmppos
End Function
mmbasic_original/sprite_demo_breakout.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:39 by