Hearts and Bones v1.0
This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.
'***************************************************** '*** Hearts and Bones v1.0 adapted from a game '*** appearing on the HP 200LX palmtop computer. '*** MMBasic version created by Hugh Buckle April 2012 '*** Requires MMBasic v3.2 or later and Hearts.fnt '***************************************************** 'load hearts and bones font Font Load "Hearts.fnt" As #4 '*** Grid definitions x0=100: y0=40 'grid offset (top left) x1=x0-1: y1=y0-4 'Cursor top left x2=x1+16: y2=y1+18 'Cursor bottom right xmin=0: ymin=0 'Cell range, x=columns and y=rows xmax=14: ymax=8 '*** Cell definitions UnmarkedCell =0 'These 3 variables are used to test a valid range of values HeartCell =1 'in a cell using Int(cell(x,y)/10) thus testing MarkedCell =2 'with a single test Bone =40 MarkedBone =50 '*** Default direction key assigments - Numeric Keypad GoSub DefaultKeys '*** Other variables true=1 false=0 NumHearts = 8 StartBones = 20 ' default number of bones Score=0 Dim cell(xmax+1,ymax+1) ' stores cell content Dim Stack((xmax+1)*(ymax+1)) ' used in revealing zero cells Dim ZeroStack((xmax+1)*(ymax+1)) '*** date statements give x,y values for position of hearts Data 0,4,0,8,7,0,7,4,7,8,14,0,14,4,14,8 Cls GoSub PrintText GoSub PrintGrid GoSub PlaceHearts 'Load current player's HiScore, direction keys and starting bones GoSub LoadGame NumBones=StartBones GoSub PrintInitialFnKeys GoSub PrintHighScore GoSub PrintScore GoSub printBones GoSub PrintMarks Do GoSub GetKey GoSub ClearHelpText GoSub ProcessFnKeys If quit=true Then End Loop Until Asc(k$)=145 ' F1 pressed Line (0,0)-(90,19*12),0,BF Start: Do '*** Setup a new game GameEnd=false ZeroStackTop=0 CorrectMarks=0 GoSub ClearCells GoSub PrintText GoSub PrintGameFnKeys GoSub PrintHighScore GoSub PrintScore GoSub printBones GoSub PrintMarks GoSub PrintGrid GoSub PlaceHearts GoSub PlaceBones GoSub CountBones x=0: y=0 'Cursor to top left PrintNum(x,y,Cell(x,y)) GoSub AddCursor If Cell(x,y)=0 Then GoSub FindAdjacentZeros '*** main game loop starts here Do GoSub GetKey GoSub DeleteCursor GoSub ProcessMove GoSub AddCursor Loop While GameEnd=false And HeartsFound<NumHearts And Quit=false If quit=false Then If GameEnd Then GoSub Finish Score=0 NumBones=StartBones GoSub getKey If Asc(k$)=27 Then Quit=true EndIf GoSub ClearMessage Else GoSub LevelCompleted EndIf EndIf Loop Until quit=true GoSub ClearMessage Font #2,,1 Print @(13,0*10) " Bye " Font #1,,0 Print @(5,3*10) " Thanks for" Print @(5,4*10) " playing." Print @(5,5*10) " Hope you had" Print @(5,6*10) " fun." Print @(0,300); End GetKey: Do k$=Inkey$ Loop While k$="" Return LevelCompleted: Font #1,,1 Print @(5,0*10) " LEVEL " Print @(5,1*10) " COMPLETED " Font #1,,0 If CorrectMarks=NumBones And CorrectMarks=Marks Then Score=Score+NumHearts If Score>HighScore Then HighScore=Score EndIf Print @(5,3*10) " All Hearts &" Print @(5,4*10) "Bones located." Print @(5,5*10) "BONUS 8 Hearts" Else Print @(5,3*10) "Not all bones" Print @(5,4*10) " marked so" Print @(5,5*10) " NO BONUS" EndIf NumBones=NumBones+2 Return ProcessMove: '*** up left arrow If Asc(k$) = UL Then If x>xmin And y>ymin Then Move(-1,-1) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** up arrow If Asc(k$) = UN Or Asc(k$)= UA Then If y>ymin Then Move(0,-1) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** up right arrow If Asc(k$) = UR Then If x<xmax And y>ymin Then Move(1,-1) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** left arrow If Asc(k$) = LN Or Asc(k$)= LA Then If x>xmin Then Move(-1,0) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** right arrow If Asc(k$) = RN Or Asc(k$)= RA Then If x<xmax Then Move(1,0) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** down left arrow If Asc(k$) = DL Then If x>xmin And y<ymax Then Move(-1,1) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** down arrow If Asc(k$) = DN Or Asc(k$)= DA Then If y<ymax Then Move(0,1) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** down right arrow If Asc(k$) = DR Then If x<xmax And y<ymax Then Move(1,1) Else GoSub MarkOff EndIf EndIf '*** Space toggle mark If Asc(k$) = MK Then If mark=1 Then GoSub MarkOff Else mark=1 Print @(5,3*10) " Press a" Print @(5,4*10) "direction key" Print @(5,5*10) "to mark a BONE" EndIf EndIf '*** F1 Re-Start If Asc(k$) = 145 Then GoTo Start EndIf '*** Esc Quit If Asc(k$) = 27 Then Quit=true EndIf ' Clear Message area If Not Mark Then GoSub ClearMessage EndIf Return ProcessFnKeys: '*** F1 Play If Asc(k$) = 145 Then ' Do nothing - starts play '*** F2 Increase Bones ElseIf Asc(k$) = 146 Then GoSub IncBones '*** Shift/F2 Decrease bones ElseIf Asc(k$) = 178 Then GoSub DecBones '*** F3 Set Keys ElseIf Asc(k$) = 147 Then GoSub SetKeys '*** F4 Help ElseIf Asc(k$) = 148 Then GoSub Help '*** Esc Quit ElseIf Asc(k$) = 27 Then Quit=true EndIf Return PrintGrid: Line (x0-2,y0-5)-(x0-2+xmax*18+18,y0+15+ymax*20),0,BF 'Clear old grid For i = 0 To xmax For j = 0 To ymax Line (x0-2+i*18,y0-5+j*20)-(x0-2+i*18+18,y0+15+j*20),1,B Next j,i Return DeleteCursor: ' remove old Cursor Line (x1+x*18,y1+20*y)-(x2+18*x,y2+20*y),0,b Line (x1+x*18+1,y1+20*y+1)-(x2+18*x-1,y2+20*y-1),0,b Return AddCursor: ' draw new Cursor Line (x1+x*18,y1+20*y)-(x2+18*x,y2+20*y),1,b Line (x1+x*18+1,y1+20*y+1)-(x2+18*x-1,y2+20*y-1),1,b Return ClearCells: For i=xmin To xmax For j= ymin To ymax cell(i,j)=0 Next j,i Marks=0 HeartsFound=0 Return ClearMessage: Line (0,0)-(90,80),0,BF Return ClearHelpText: Line (0,19*12)-(MM.HRes,MM.VRes),0,BF Return PrintText: Font #2,1,1 Print @(MM.HRes/2-149,0) " Hearts and Bones " Font #4 Print @(MM.HRes-62,0) "$" Print @(MM.HRes-85,20) "&" Print @(MM.HRes-40,20) "%" Print @(MM.HRes-62,40) "$" Font #1 Return PrintHighScore: Font #1,1,1 Print @(MM.HRes-85,7*12) "High score" Font #1,1,0 Print @(MM.HRes-75,8*12) Format$(HighScore,"%5g") Return PrintScore: Font #1,1,1 Print @(MM.HRes-85,10*12) " Score " Font #1,1,0 Print @(MM.HRes-75,11*12) Format$(Score,"%5g") Return PrintBones: Font #1,1,1 Print @(MM.HRes-85,13*12) " Bones " Font #1,1,0 Print @(MM.HRes-75,14*12) Format$(NumBones,"%5g") Return PrintMarks: Font #1,1,1 Print @(MM.HRes-85,16*12) " Marks " Font #1,1,0 Print @(MM.HRes-75,17*12) Format$(Marks,"%5g") Return PrintInitialFnKeys: Print @(10,7*12) "(F1) Play" Print @(10,9*12) "(F2) Bones" Print @(10,11*12) "(F3) Keys" Print @(10,13*12) "(F4) Help" Print @(10,17*12) "(Esc) Quit" Return PrintGameFnKeys: Print @(10,13*12) "(F1) Re-Start" Print @(10,15*12) "(Esc) Quit" Return Sub PrintNum(x,y,Count) Print @(x0+x*18,y0+y*20) Count End Sub Sub PrintSprite(x,y,Txt$) Font #4 Print @(x0+x*18,y0+y*20-3) Txt$ Font #1 End Sub Sub ClearSprite(x,y) Line (x1+x*18,y1+20*y)-(x2+18*x,y2+20*y),0,bf End Sub PlaceHearts: Restore Font #4 For i = 1 To 8 Read j,k cell(j,k)=HeartCell*10 '*** will later have number of adjacent bones added PrintSprite(j,k,"$") Next Font #1 Return PlaceBones: Cell(0,0)=1 '*** top left cell must not be a bone For i=1 To numbones Do j=Int(Rnd()*xmax) k=Int(Rnd()*ymax) Loop Until cell(j,k)=0 'ignore if bone or heart already there cell(j,k)=Bone 'place bone in cell Next Cell(0,0)=0 '*** clear top left cell Return CountBones: For i=xmin To xmax 'look at each cell For j=ymin To ymax If cell(i,j)=Bone Then 'add one to each adjacent non-bone cell For k=i-1 To i+1 For l=j-1 To j+1 If k>=xmin And k<=xmax And l>=ymin And l<=ymax Then If cell(k,l)<>Bone Then 'if adjacent cell not a bone cell(k,l)=cell(k,l)+1 If Int(cell(k,l)/10)=HeartCell Then PrintSprite(k,l,"$") EndIf EndIf EndIf Next l,k EndIf Next j,i Return Sub Move(i,j) If Mark=1 Then MarkBone(i,j) 'Move if target cell is bone, unmarked cell or heart ElseIf cell(x+i,y+j)=bone Or Int(cell(x+i,y+j)/10)=UnmarkedCell Or Int(cell(x+i,y+j)/10)=HeartCell Then x=x+i y=y+j If Int(cell(x,y)/10)=HeartCell Then GoSub AddToScore '*** Once a heart cell has been visited, '*** it becomes an ordinary visited cell ClearSprite(x,y) cell(x,y)=Cell(x,y)+10*(UnmarkedCell-HeartCell) EndIf If Cell(x,y)=0 And NotOnZeroStack(x,y,ZeroStackTop) Then GoSub FindAdjacentZeros EndIf If cell(x,y)=Bone Then GameEnd=true Else PrintNum(x,y,Cell(x,y)) EndIf EndIf End Sub Sub MarkBone (i,j) 'You can mark only Bone and unmarked empty cells and 'you can un-mark only marked cells. If cell(x+i,y+j)=Bone Then 'mark an existing bone CorrectMarks=CorrectMarks+1 cell(x+i,y+j)=MarkedBone PrintSprite(x+i,y+j,"&") marks=marks+1 ElseIf cell(x+i,y+j)=MarkedBone Then 'unmark an existing bone CorrectMarks=CorrectMarks-1 cell(x+i,y+j)=Bone ClearSprite(x+i,y+j) Marks=Marks-1 ElseIf Int(cell(x+i,y+j)/10)=UnmarkedCell Then cell(x+i,y+j)=cell(x+i,y+j)+10*MarkedCell 'mark an empty cell PrintSprite(x+i,y+j,"&") Marks=marks+1 ElseIf Int(cell(x+i,y+j)/10)=MarkedCell Then cell(x+i,y+j)=cell(x+i,y+j)-10*MarkedCell 'unmark an empty cell ClearSprite(x+i,y+j) ' Don't show value 'cause it may not have been visited Marks=Marks-1 EndIf GoSub PrintMarks GoSub MarkOff End Sub FindAdjacentZeros: Savex=x ' Save current cursor position Savey=y StackPtr=0 StackTop=1 Stack(StackTop)=x*100+y ' put current location on stack Do ' If you step on a zero then all adjacent zeros are displayed ' and the boardering non-zero cells. StackAdded=false For i=x-1 To x+1 For j=y-1 To y+1 If i>=xmin And i<=xmax And j>=ymin And j<=ymax Then If Int(cell(i,j)/10)<>Heartcell And Int(cell(i,j)/20)<>MarkedCell Then PrintNum(i,j,Cell(i,j)) 'EndIf EndIf If Cell(i,j)=0 Or cell(i,j)-10*HeartCell=0 Then GoSub IsCellOnStack If NotOnStack Then StackTop=StackTop+1 'inc stack pointer Stack(StackTop)=i*100+j 'code cell address as xxyy StackAdded=true EndIf EndIf EndIf Next j,i If Not StackAdded Then 'If no new zero cells, point at previous one StackPtr=StackPtr-1 ' Otherwise go to the top of the stack Else StackPtr=StackTop EndIf 'get cell x,y from top of stack If stackptr >=0 Then x=Int(stack(stackPtr)/100) y=stack(Stackptr)-x*100 Else stackPtr=0 EndIf Loop Until StackPtr=0 GoSub AccumulateStack If StackTop > MaxStackTop Then MaxStackTop=StackTop EndIf x=Savex 'Restore the entry cell y=Savey Return AccumulateStack: For i=0 To StackTop ZeroStack(ZeroStackTop)=stack(i) ZeroStackTop=zeroStackTop+1 Next Return Function NotOnZeroStack(i,j,z) NotOnZeroStack=true For k=0 To z If ZeroStack(k)=i*100+j Then NotOnZeroStack=false Exit For EndIf Next k End Function IsCellOnStack: 'Checks to see if the cell is already on the stack NotOnStack=true For k=0 To StackTop If Stack(k)=i*100+j Then NotOnStack=false Exit For EndIf Next k Return AddToScore: 'Score one point for each Heart visited HeartsFound=HeartsFound+1 Score=Score+1 GoSub PrintScore If Score>HighScore Then HighScore=Score GoSub PrintHighScore EndIf Return ShowAllBones: For i=0 To xmax For j=0 To ymax If Cell(i,j)=bone Then PrintSprite(i,j,"&") ElseIf Int(Cell(i,j)/10)=MarkedCell Then PrintSprite(i,j,"%") EndIf Next j Next i Return Markoff: mark=0 Print @(12*10,MM.VRes-12*2) Space$(40) Return DefaultKeys: UL=55 ' Up Left UN=56 ' Up numeric UA=128 ' Up arrow UR=57 ' Up Right LN=52 ' Left numeric LA=130 ' Left Arrow RN=54 ' Right numeric RA=131 ' Right Arrow DL=49 ' Down Left DN=50 ' Down Numeric DA=129 ' Down Arrow DR=51 ' Down Right MK=32 ' Mark (space) Return IncBones: GoSub PrintF2Help NumBones=NumBones+1 GoSub PrintBones Return DecBones: GoSub PrintF2Help If NumBones<19 Then Print Print Space$(10) "C'mon, let's not make it too easy!! 18 is small enough." Else NumBones=NumBones-1 GoSub PrintBones EndIf Return PrintF2Help: i=14 ' Left indent j=MM.VRes-16*12 ' Lines from bottom of screen Print @(0,j) Space$(i-1); Font #1,,1 Print " Increase or reduce the starting number of Bones. " Font #1,,0 Print Print Space$(i) "<F2> increses the number of starting Bones." Print Space$(i) "<shift+F2> reduces the number." Return Setkeys: i=14 ' Left indent j=MM.VRes-17*12 ' Lines from bottom of screen Print @(0,j) Space$(i-1); Font #1,,1 Print " Set the direction keys and the key to mark a bone. " Font #1,,0 Print Print Space$(i); "The defaults are the numeric keypad and spacebar." Print Space$(i); "Press <Esc> to exit without saving, <Enter> for defaults," Print Space$(i); "or follow the prompts to set your own direction keys." Print Print Space$(i); "Press a key for... Up Left ? ";: GoSub getkey i=i+19 If Asc(K$)=13 Then GoSub defaultKeys Print "<F1>" ElseIf Asc(k$)<>27 Then UL=Asc(k$): Print K$ Print Space$(i); "Up ? ";: GoSub getkey: UN=Asc(K$): Print k$ Print Space$(i); "Up Right ? ";: GoSub getkey: UR=Asc(K$): Print k$ Print Space$(i); "Left ? ";: GoSub getkey: LN=Asc(K$): Print k$ Print Space$(i); "Right ? ";: GoSub getkey: RN=Asc(K$): Print k$ Print Space$(i); "Down Left ? ";: GoSub getkey: DL=Asc(K$): Print k$ Print Space$(i); "Down ? ";: GoSub getkey: DN=Asc(K$): Print k$ Print Space$(i); "Down Right? ";: GoSub getkey: DR=Asc(K$): Print k$ Print Space$(i); "Mark Bone ? ";: GoSub getkey: MK=Asc(K$): Print k$ EndIf ' Clear the text GoSub ClearHelpText Return Help: Print @(0,MM.VRes-16*12); ?" Your task is to capture all of the Hearts without stepping on any Bones." ?" On capturing the last Heart, you move to a new level with 2 more Bones." ?" The game ends when you step on a Bone. All Bones (skulls) and any" ?" incorrectly marked Bones (crossed bones) then are revealed." ?" You score one point for each Heart captured and if you correctly mark all" ?" of the Bones, you score a bonus of 8 points for that level. You forfeit" ?" the bonus if you leave a mark on a square that doesn't contain a Bone." ?" You move the cursor using the numeric keypad and mark a Bone by pressing" ?" the space bar followed by a direction key. Un-mark a Bone in the same way." ?" Each square you step on reveals the number of Bones in adjacent squares." ?" Before you start a game you can set the starting number of Bones." ?" Press <F2> to increase; <Shift+F2> to reduce. As you may not have a numeric" ?" keypad, <F3> allows you to define direction keys and these are saved at the" ?" end of the game along with your highest score and starting number of Bones." ? Space$(17) "Good Luck! Press any key to exit Help." Return LoadGame: Print @(0,21*12) Space$(10) "Please enter your name so I can load your highest score," Print Space$(10) "starting number of bones and direction keys"; Input FName$ If Len(FName$)>8 Then FName$=Left$(FName$,8) FName$=FName$+".xls" Option Error Continue Open FName$ For input As #1 If MM.Errno=0 Then Input #1,HighScore Input #1,UL,UN,UA,UR,LN,LA ' direction key assignments Input #1,RN,RA,DL,DN,DA,DR,MK Input #1,StartBones Close #1 EndIf Option Error Abort GoSub ClearHelpText Return SaveGame: Open FName$ For output As #1 Print #1,HighScore Print #1,UL","UN","UA","UR","LN","LA ' direction key assignments Print #1,RN","RA","DL","DN","DA","DR","MK Print #1,StartBones Close #1 Return Finish: GoSub ShowAllBones GoSub SaveGame i=0:j=10 Font #2,,1 Print @(j,i*12) " Game " Print @(j,(i+2)*12) " Over " Font #1,,0 Print @(j-2,(i+4)*12) "No More Hearts" Print @(j-2,(i+5)*12) " For You " Font #2,,1 For k=1 To 3 Pause 300 Print @(j,i*12) Space$(6) Print @(j,(i+2)*12) Space$(6) Pause 300 Print @(j,i*12) " Game " Print @(j,(i+2)*12) " Over " Next Font #1,,0 Print @(0,MM.VRes-6*12) Return
mmbasic_original/hearts_and_bones_v1_0.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:39 by