Sprite demo: Lander
This module is part of the original MMBasic library. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Hugh Buckle and Geoff Graham. Be aware it may reference functionality which has changed or is deprecated in the latest versions of MMBasic.
Colour Maximite V4.0 Demos from Fabrice Muller, France
Lander: Well, here we go back to 1969 and try to Land on the Moon. Take care of your fuel or you will crash :) You will see how to make a random moon surface, use music module as audio effects, sprites and buttons to be able to land you ship.
'Lunar Lander for Colour Maximite v4.0 ' Option Base 1 Clear 'Array declaration Dim Tevel(MM.HRes) Dim BoosterSpr(2) Dim ExplodeSpr(5) Dim PlatformLSpr(5) Dim PlatformRSpr(5) Dim FootPix(2) 'Set 240 x 216 8 colours resolution Mode 4 'We get the Sprites from file Drive "b:" Sprite Load "Lunar.spr" 'Sprite declaration LanderSpr = 1 BoosterSpr(1) = 2 : BoosterSpr(2) = 3 For a = 1 To 5 ExplodeSpr(a) = a + 3 PlatformLSpr(a) = a + 8 PlatformRSpr(a) = a + 13 Next a FootPix(1) = 0 : FootPix(2) = 0 '1st animated Sprite per type PlatFormSprNum = 1 ExplodeSprNum = 1 BoosterSprNum = 1 'Set the Joystick pin's 'PIN 11 = UP (Booster) SetPin 11,2 'PIN 13 = LEFT SetPin 13,2 'PIN 14 = RIGHT SetPin 14,2 'Set some variables Booster = 0 LemSpeed = 0.1 SpeedX = 0.0 Fuel = 25.0 Gravity = 1.63 GoRight = 0 : GoUp = 0 : GoLeft = 0 Score = 0 PixLeft = 0 PixRight = 0 GMx = MM.HRes - 1 GMy = MM.VRes - 1 Print @(70,100) "Press a key to Start" Do While (Inkey$ = "") And (Pin(11) = 1) And (Pin(13) = 1) And (Pin(14) = 1) Loop Cls Randomize Timer 'Landing platform position Platformx = Int(Rnd * (GMx -60)) + 20 Platformy = Int(Rnd * 80) + (GMy - 80) 'Here we draw the terrain and the Landing platform Sprite On PlatformLSpr(PlatFormSprNum) , Platformx , Platformy Sprite On PlatformRSpr(PlatFormSprNum) , Platformx + 16, Platformy 'Terrain at Left from the platform py = Platformy + (Rnd * 7) - 3 For a = Platformx - 1 To 0 Step - 1 py = py + (Rnd * 7) - 3 Line (a,GMy) - (a,py),3 Tevel(a) = py Next a 'Terrain at Right from the platform py = Platformy + (Rnd * 7) - 3 For a = Platformx + 33 To GMx py = py + (Rnd * 7) - 3 Line (a,GMy) - (a,py),3 Tevel(a) = py Next a 'Terrain under the platform For a = Platformx To Platformx + 32 Line (a,GMy) - (a,Platformy + 6),3 Next a 'LEM position at start LemX = Rnd * (GMx - 60) + 20 LemY = Rnd * 50 + 25 'Show the LEM Sprite On LanderSpr , LemX , LemY BoosterWas1 = 0 'Initialise the platform sprite counter PlatformCount = 0 'Next load's will be from drive "a:" Drive "a:" Mod_is_playing = 0 Timer = 0 'Main program loop Do While 1 'Read the buttons keypressed$ = Inkey$ If (Pin(11) = 0) Or (Asc(keypressed$) = 128) Then GoUP = 1 If (Pin(14) = 0) Or (Asc(keypressed$) = 131) Then GoRight = 1 If (Pin(13) = 0) Or (Asc(keypressed$) = 130) Then GoLeft = 1 ' 'Test if we are over the platform If LemY > (Platformy - 17) Then 'Test if we have landed or Collided If (LemX >= Platformx) And (Lemx < (Platformx + 16)) Then 'Landing test If LemSpeed <= 2.0 Then If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then PlayMOD Stop EndIf PlayMOD "landed.mod" , 4000 Print @(75,50) "Successfully Landed" Pause 2000 Run Else If BoosterWas1 = 1 Then Sprite Off BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) EndIf If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then PlayMOD Stop EndIf PlayMOD "explode.mod" , 4000 Sprite Off LanderSpr For a = 1 To 5 Sprite on ExplodeSpr(a) , LemX , LemY Pause 100 Sprite off ExplodeSpr(a) Next a Print @(80,50) "You Crashed !!!" Pause 2000 Run EndIf EndIf EndIf 'We check collision with the Terrain FootPix(1) = Pixel(LemX,LemY + 16) FootPix(2) = Pixel(LemX + 15,LemY + 16) If (FootPix(1) <> 0) Or (FootPix(2) <> 0) Then If BoosterWas1 = 1 Then Sprite Off BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) EndIf Sprite Off LanderSpr If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then PlayMOD Stop EndIf PlayMOD "explode.mod" , 4000 For a = 1 To 5 Sprite on ExplodeSpr(a) , LemX , LemY Pause 100 Sprite off ExplodeSpr(a) Next a Print @(80,50) "You Crashed !!!" Pause 2000 Run EndIf If Timer >= 100 Then 'Timer routine every 100mS PlatformCount = PlatformCount + 1 Recompute Redraw Timer = 0 EndIf Loop Sub Recompute 'This part is executed every 100mS LEMSpeed = LEMSpeed + (Gravity * 0.1) If (GoUP = 1) And (Fuel > 0) Then LemSpeed = LemSpeed - (Gravity * 0.2) Fuel = Fuel - 0.3 GoUp = 0 Booster = 1 Else Booster = 0 EndIf If (GoRight = 1) And (Fuel > 0) Then Vx = Vx + 0.1 Fuel = Fuel - 0.1 GoRight = 0 EndIf If (GoLeft = 1) And (Fuel > 0) Then Vx = Vx - 0.1 Fuel = Fuel - 0.1 GoLeft = 0 EndIf 'Record the LEM position OldLemX = Int(LemX) : OldLemY = Int(LemY) LemY = Int(LemY + LemSpeed) LemX = Int(LemX + Vx) 'Clip the LEM in the screen If LemX > (GMx - 17) Then LemX = GMx - 17 If LemX < 5 Then LemX = 5 If LemY > (GMy - 17) Then LemY = GMy - 17 If LemY < 50 Then LemY = 50 End Sub Sub Redraw 'This part is executed every 100mS Print @(0,0) "Speed " @(35,0) Str$(Int(LemSpeed)) + " " Print @(100,0) "Fuel "@(135,0) Str$(Int(Fuel)) + " " 'Check if we have to erase the booster If BoosterWas1 = 1 Then Sprite Off BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) BoosterWas1 = 0 Else If Mod_is_playing = 1 Then PlayMOD Stop Mod_is_playing = 0 EndIf EndIf 'We redraw the LEM Sprite Move LanderSpr , LemX , LemY ' Draw the Booster if needed If Booster = 1 Then If Mod_is_playing = 0 Then PlayMOD "turbine.mod" Mod_is_playing = 1 EndIf BoosterSprNum = BoosterSprNum + 1 If BoosterSprNum > 2 Then BoosterSprNum = 1 Sprite On BoosterSpr(BoosterSprNum) , LemX + 5 , LemY + 12 Booster = 0 BoosterWas1 = 1 EndIf 'Cycle the platform Sprites evey 300mS If PlatformCount = 3 Then Sprite Off PlatformRSpr(PlatFormSprNum) Sprite Off PlatformLSpr(PlatFormSprNum) PlatFormSprNum = PlatFormSprNum + 1 If PlatFormSprNum > 5 Then PlatFormSprNum = 1 Sprite On PlatformLSpr(PlatFormSprNum) , Platformx , Platformy Sprite On PlatformRSpr(PlatFormSprNum) , Platformx + 16, Platformy PlatformCount = 0 EndIf End Sub
mmbasic_original/sprite_demo_lander.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:39 by