Eaten Earth
Short Animation Demo to show animations of large multi-tile sprites and pseudo scrolling. Exits to manual mode so you can play around with the various sprite animations.
Unzip the file and all the needed files are there.
Enjoy :) Anthony Clarke
'***************************** '* Eaten Earth Animation * '* By * '* Anthony Clarke * '***************************** cls mode 4 loadbmp "title.bmp" pause 4000 cls LoadBMP "BGSAVE.bmp" 'bssave image includes earth in it's start position for sprite background handling Sprite Load "space.spr" col2=16 'earth position variables col3=32 row2=16 row3=32 'top row spr1x=103 spr1y=138 spr2x=spr1x+col2 spr2y=spr1y spr3x=spr1x+col3 spr3y=spr1y 'middle row spr4x=spr1x spr4y=spr1y+row2 spr5x=spr1x+col2 spr5y=spr1y+row2 spr6x=spr1x+col3 spr6y=spr1y+row2 'bottom row spr7x=spr1x spr7y=spr1y+row3 spr8x=spr1x+col2 spr8y=spr1y+row3 spr9x=spr1x+col3 spr9y=spr1y+row3 'setting up eye position variables eyespr1x=60 eyespr1y=5 eyespr2x=eyespr1x+16 eyespr2y=eyespr1y eyespr3x=eyespr1x+16 eyespr3y=eyespr1y+16 eyespr4x=eyespr1x eyespr4y=eyespr1y+16 'setting up teeth position variables tooth1x=eyespr1x+8 'Top left tooth1y=eyespr1y+60 tooth2x=eyespr1x+28 tooth2y=eyespr1y+63 tooth3x=eyespr1x+48 'Left middle top tooth3y=eyespr1y+66 tooth4x=eyespr1x+68 'Right middle top tooth4y=eyespr1y+66 tooth5x=eyespr1x+88 tooth5y=eyespr1y+63 tooth6x=eyespr1x+108 'Top Right tooth6y=eyespr1y+60 tooth7x=tooth1x 'Bottom Left tooth7y=tooth1y+30 tooth8x=tooth2x tooth8y=tooth2y+30 tooth9x=tooth3x 'Left middle bottom tooth9y=tooth3y+30 tooth10x=tooth4x 'Right middle bottom tooth10y=tooth4y+30 tooth11x=tooth5x tooth11y=tooth5y+30 tooth12x=tooth6x 'Bottom Right tooth12y=tooth6y+30 moveSpeed=50 'variable for Earth move speed width=100 'variable for eye width speed=15 'first speed variable.. quick for blinking speed2=50 'second speed variable for slow reveal and disappear scrLength=89 'Scrolling length 'Opening animation starting 'Dont turn on anu sprites above this line or BLIT will glitch for x=1 to scrLength 'Using BLIT command to "Scroll" the screen to the left BLIT 0,0,-1,0,240,216 BLIT 0,0,239,0,1,216 Pause 100 next x blit 0,0,103,138,48,48 'copying blank part of the screen to cover bmp earth 'turning sprites on 'earth Sprite on 1,spr1x,spr1y 'replacing BMP earth with sprite earth Sprite on 2,spr2x,spr2y Sprite on 3,spr3x,spr3y Sprite on 4,spr4x,spr4y Sprite on 5,spr5x,spr5y Sprite on 6,spr6x,spr6y Sprite on 7,spr7x,spr7y Sprite on 8,spr8x,spr8y Sprite on 9,spr9x,spr9y earthOn=1 'Earth on bool variable 'Left eye sprites Sprite on 83,eyespr1x,eyespr1y 'sprites clockwise Sprite on 84,eyespr2x,eyespr2y Sprite on 85,eyespr3x,eyespr3y Sprite on 86,eyespr4x,eyespr4y 'right eye sprites Sprite on 87,eyespr1x+width,eyespr1y 'sprites clockwise Sprite on 88,eyespr2x+width,eyespr2y Sprite on 89,eyespr3x+width,eyespr3y Sprite on 90,eyespr4x+width,eyespr4y 'teeth sprites sprite on 71,tooth1x,tooth1y 'top teeth left to right sprite on 72,tooth2x,tooth2y sprite on 73,tooth3x,tooth3y sprite on 74,tooth4x,tooth4y sprite on 75,tooth5x,tooth5y sprite on 76,tooth6x,tooth6y sprite on 77,tooth7x,tooth7y 'bottom teeth left to right sprite on 78,tooth8x,tooth8y sprite on 79,tooth9x,tooth9y sprite on 80,tooth10x,tooth10y sprite on 81,tooth11x,tooth11y sprite on 82,tooth12x,tooth12y EyeOpen=0 'eyes open bool TeethOn=0 'insert animation commands here gosub EyeOpen Gosub TeethOn gosub Blink Gosub Blink Gosub Laugh Gosub MouthOpen 'moving earth into mouth with sound for y=1 to 69 gosub MoveUp tone y+y+y+y+y,y+y+y+y+y next y tone stop Gosub EarthOff'need earth disappearing animation here with sound Sprite off 1 Sprite off 2 Sprite off 3 Sprite off 4 Sprite off 5 Sprite off 6 Sprite off 7 Sprite off 8 Sprite off 9 pause 1000 Gosub MouthClose gosub TalkOpen'Need talking here and print "Nom Nom Nom Nom" "Thanks for watching my little demo, Written by Anthony Clarke." print @(74,140)"Nom," gosub Nom Gosub TalkClose Gosub TalkOpen Print @(100,140)"Nom," Gosub Nom gosub TalkClose Gosub TalkOpen Print @(128,140)"Nom," Gosub Nom Gosub TalkClose Gosub TalkOpen Print @(156,140)"Nom." Gosub Nom Gosub TalkClose gosub EyeClose Gosub TeethOff loadBmp "instr.bmp" do while keydown = 0 'waiting for any key to proceed loop 'Need screen explaining keys for manual mode 'setting up for manual mode cls loadbmp "Bg.bmp" 'turn earthless BG.BMP on pause 1000 spr1x=103 'resetting eye position variables spr1y=138 spr2x=spr1x+col2 spr2y=spr1y spr3x=spr1x+col3 spr3y=spr1y 'middle row spr4x=spr1x spr4y=spr1y+row2 spr5x=spr1x+col2 spr5y=spr1y+row2 spr6x=spr1x+col3 spr6y=spr1y+row2 'bottom row spr7x=spr1x spr7y=spr1y+row3 spr8x=spr1x+col2 spr8y=spr1y+row3 spr9x=spr1x+col3 spr9y=spr1y+row3 Sprite on 1,spr1x,spr1y 'Turn earth sprites back on Sprite on 2,spr2x,spr2y Sprite on 3,spr3x,spr3y Sprite on 4,spr4x,spr4y Sprite on 5,spr5x,spr5y Sprite on 6,spr6x,spr6y Sprite on 7,spr7x,spr7y Sprite on 8,spr8x,spr8y Sprite on 9,spr9x,spr9y gosub EarthOn 'Animation no longer running, going into manual control main: 'I did have all these if statements in their own subroutines but then i had to double up for auto animations. So now they're here 'moving subroutines If KeyDown = 128 then 'if up arrow pressed gosub moveUp endif if keydown = 129 then 'if down arrow pressed gosub moveDown endif if keydown = 130 then 'if left arrow pressed gosub moveLeft endif if keydown = 131 then 'if right arrow pressed gosub moveRight endif 'blinking subroutine if keydown = 32 and eyesOpen=1 then 'if spacebar down then cycle eyeball animation gosub Blink endif 'Eye control subroutines if eyesOpen=1 and keydown=13 then 'if return is hit then gosub EyeClose endif if eyesOpen=0 and keydown=13 then 'If enter button is pressed GOSUB EyeOpen endif 'Teeth Control Subroutines if teethOn=1 and keydown=127 then 'If "delete" key is pressed and teeth are out then cycle teeth off animation gosub TeethOff endif if teethOn=0 and keydown=127 then 'if teeth are off and delete key is pressed then cycle teeth on animation gosub TeethOn endif 'Mouth Control Subroutines if mouthOpen=0 and keydown=132 then'If insert button is pressed gosub MouthOpen endif if mouthOpen=1 and Keydown=132 then 'if insert button pressed and mouth already open gosub MouthClose endif 'Talking Subroutines if keydown=116 and talkEnabled=0 then talkEnabled=1 tone 600,600,100 pause 500 endif if keydown=116 and talkEnabled=1 Then talkEnabled=0 tone 300,300,100 pause 500 endif if mouthOpen=0 and keydown=134 and talkEnabled=1 then'If insert button is pressed gosub TalkOpen Elseif mouthOpen=1 and Keydown<>134 and talkEnabled=1 then 'if insert button pressed and mouth already open gosub TalkClose endif 'Earth on and off routines if keydown=136 and earthOn=0 then 'If PgUp key pressed and Earth isn't on then goto EarthOn animation subroutine gosub EarthOn endif If Keydown=136 and earthOn=1 then'If PgUp Key pressed and Earth IS on then goto EarthOff animation routine gosub EarthOff endif GoTo main 'end of main loop MoveUp: 'top row Earth spr1x=spr1x spr1y=spr1y-1 spr2x=spr1x+col2 spr2y=spr1y spr3x=spr1x+col3 spr3y=spr1y 'middle row spr4x=spr1x spr4y=spr1y+row2 spr5x=spr1x+col2 spr5y=spr1y+row2 spr6x=spr1x+col3 spr6y=spr1y+row2 'bottom row spr7x=spr1x spr7y=spr1y+row3 spr8x=spr1x+col2 spr8y=spr1y+row3 spr9x=spr1x+col3 spr9y=spr1y+row3 Sprite move 1,spr1x,spr1y Sprite move 2,spr2x,spr2y Sprite move 3,spr3x,spr3y Sprite move 4,spr4x,spr4y Sprite move 5,spr5x,spr5y Sprite move 6,spr6x,spr6y Sprite move 7,spr7x,spr7y Sprite move 8,spr8x,spr8y Sprite move 9,spr9x,spr9y endif pause moveSpeed return MoveDown: 'top row spr1x=spr1x spr1y=spr1y+1 spr2x=spr1x+col2 spr2y=spr1y spr3x=spr1x+col3 spr3y=spr1y 'middle row spr4x=spr1x spr4y=spr1y+row2 spr5x=spr1x+col2 spr5y=spr1y+row2 spr6x=spr1x+col3 spr6y=spr1y+row2 'bottom row spr7x=spr1x spr7y=spr1y+row3 spr8x=spr1x+col2 spr8y=spr1y+row3 spr9x=spr1x+col3 spr9y=spr1y+row3 Sprite move 9,spr9x,spr9y 'moving different sprites in different order depending on direction. Stops glitching Sprite move 8,spr8x,spr8y Sprite move 7,spr7x,spr7y Sprite move 6,spr6x,spr6y Sprite move 5,spr5x,spr5y Sprite move 4,spr4x,spr4y Sprite move 3,spr3x,spr3y Sprite move 2,spr2x,spr2y Sprite move 1,spr1x,spr1y endif pause moveSpeed Return MoveLeft: 'top row spr1x=spr1x-1 spr1y=spr1y spr2x=spr1x+col2 spr2y=spr1y spr3x=spr1x+col3 spr3y=spr1y 'middle row spr4x=spr1x spr4y=spr1y+row2 spr5x=spr1x+col2 spr5y=spr1y+row2 spr6x=spr1x+col3 spr6y=spr1y+row2 'bottom row spr7x=spr1x spr7y=spr1y+row3 spr8x=spr1x+col2 spr8y=spr1y+row3 spr9x=spr1x+col3 spr9y=spr1y+row3 Sprite move 1,spr1x,spr1y 'moving different sprites in different order depending on direction. Stops glitching Sprite move 4,spr4x,spr4y Sprite move 7,spr7x,spr7y Sprite move 2,spr2x,spr2y Sprite move 5,spr5x,spr5y Sprite move 8,spr8x,spr8y Sprite move 3,spr3x,spr3y Sprite move 6,spr6x,spr6y Sprite move 9,spr9x,spr9y endif pause moveSpeed Return MoveRight: 'top row spr1x=spr1x+1 spry=spry spr2x=spr1x+col2 spr2y=spr1y spr3x=spr1x+col3 spr3y=spr1y 'middle row spr4x=spr1x spr4y=spr1y+row2 spr5x=spr1x+col2 spr5y=spr1y+row2 spr6x=spr1x+col3 spr6y=spr1y+row2 'bottom row spr7x=spr1x spr7y=spr1y+row3 spr8x=spr1x+col2 spr8y=spr1y+row3 spr9x=spr1x+col3 spr9y=spr1y+row3 Sprite move 3,spr3x,spr3y 'moving different sprites in different order depending on direction. Stops glitching Sprite move 6,spr6x,spr6y Sprite move 9,spr9x,spr9y Sprite move 2,spr2x,spr2y Sprite move 5,spr5x,spr5y Sprite move 8,spr8x,spr8y Sprite move 1,spr1x,spr1y Sprite move 4,spr4x,spr4y Sprite move 7,spr7x,spr7y endif pause moveSpeed Return Blink: sprite copy 18 to 83 'frame 1 left eye sprite copy 19 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 18 to 87 'frame 1 right eye sprite copy 19 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 pause speed sprite copy 21 to 83 'frame 2 left eye sprite copy 20 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 21 to 87 'frame 2 right eye sprite copy 20 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 pause speed sprite copy 22 to 83 'frame 3 left eye sprite copy 23 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 22 to 87 'frame 3 right eye sprite copy 23 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 pause speed sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 4 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 25 to 86 sprite copy 24 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 4 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 25 to 90 sprite copy 24 to 89 pause speed sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 5 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 27 to 86 sprite copy 26 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 5 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 27 to 90 sprite copy 26 to 89 pause speed sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 6 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 29 to 86 sprite copy 28 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 6 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 29 to 90 sprite copy 28 to 89 pause speed sprite copy 70 to 83 'Fully closed left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 70 to 86 sprite copy 70 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'fully closed right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 70 to 90 sprite copy 70 to 89 'Eye closing animation complete...... pause speed 'starting eye opening animation sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 6 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 29 to 90 sprite copy 28 to 89 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 6 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 29 to 86 sprite copy 28 to 85 pause speed sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 5 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 27 to 90 sprite copy 26 to 89 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 5 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 27 to 86 sprite copy 26 to 85 pause speed sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 4 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 25 to 90 sprite copy 24 to 89 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 4 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 25 to 86 sprite copy 24 to 85 pause speed sprite copy 22 to 87 'frame 3 right eye sprite copy 23 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 22 to 83 'frame 3 left eye sprite copy 23 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 pause speed sprite copy 21 to 87 'frame 2 right eye sprite copy 20 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 21 to 83 'frame 2 left eye sprite copy 20 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 pause speed sprite copy 18 to 87 'frame 1 right eye sprite copy 19 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 18 to 83 'frame 1 left eye sprite copy 19 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 pause speed sprite copy 30 to 87 'fully open right eye sprite copy 31 to 88 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 30 to 83 'fully open left eye sprite copy 31 to 84 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 33 to 86 'eye opening animation complete. pause speed return EyeClose: sprite copy 18 to 83 'frame 1 left eye sprite copy 19 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 18 to 87 'frame 1 right eye sprite copy 19 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 pause speed2 sprite copy 21 to 83 'frame 2 left eye sprite copy 20 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 21 to 87 'frame 2 right eye sprite copy 20 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 pause speed2 sprite copy 22 to 83 'frame 3 left eye sprite copy 23 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 22 to 87 'frame 3 right eye sprite copy 23 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 pause speed2 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 4 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 25 to 86 sprite copy 24 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 4 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 25 to 90 sprite copy 24 to 89 pause speed2 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 5 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 27 to 86 sprite copy 26 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 5 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 27 to 90 sprite copy 26 to 89 pause speed2 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 6 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 29 to 86 sprite copy 28 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 6 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 29 to 90 sprite copy 28 to 89 pause speed2 sprite copy 70 to 83 'Fully closed left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 70 to 86 sprite copy 70 to 85 sprite copy 70 to 87 'fully closed right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 70 to 90 sprite copy 70 to 89 'Eye closing animation complete...... eyesOpen=0 'mark eyes as closed Return EyeOpen: 'starting eye opening animation sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 6 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 29 to 90 sprite copy 28 to 89 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 6 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 29 to 86 sprite copy 28 to 85 pause speed2 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 5 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 27 to 90 sprite copy 26 to 89 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 5 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 27 to 86 sprite copy 26 to 85 pause speed2 sprite copy 70 to 87 'frame 4 right eye sprite copy 70 to 88 sprite copy 25 to 90 sprite copy 24 to 89 sprite copy 70 to 83 'frame 4 left eye sprite copy 70 to 84 sprite copy 25 to 86 sprite copy 24 to 85 pause speed2 sprite copy 22 to 87 'frame 3 right eye sprite copy 23 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 22 to 83 'frame 3 left eye sprite copy 23 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 pause speed2 sprite copy 21 to 87 'frame 2 right eye sprite copy 20 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 21 to 83 'frame 2 left eye sprite copy 20 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 pause speed2 sprite copy 18 to 87 'frame 1 right eye sprite copy 19 to 88 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 18 to 83 'frame 1 left eye sprite copy 19 to 84 sprite copy 33 to 86 sprite copy 32 to 85 pause speed2 sprite copy 30 to 87 'fully open right eye sprite copy 31 to 88 sprite copy 32 to 89 sprite copy 33 to 90 sprite copy 30 to 83 'fully open left eye sprite copy 31 to 84 sprite copy 32 to 85 sprite copy 33 to 86 'eye opening animation complete. if animEyesOpen=1 then 'If automatic command sent to perform animation.. reset command variable. animEyesOpen=0 endif eyesOpen=1 'mark eyes as open endif return TeethOff: 'Teeth appearing annd disappering routines 'fourth frame sprite copy 51 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 50 to 72 sprite copy 49 to 73 sprite copy 49 to 74 sprite copy 50 to 75 sprite copy 51 to 76 sprite copy 55 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 54 to 78 sprite copy 53 to 79 sprite copy 53 to 80 sprite copy 54 to 81 sprite copy 55 to 82 pause speed2 'third frame sprite copy 52 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 51 to 72 sprite copy 50 to 73 sprite copy 50 to 74 sprite copy 51 to 75 sprite copy 52 to 76 sprite copy 56 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 55 to 78 sprite copy 54 to 79 sprite copy 54 to 80 sprite copy 55 to 81 sprite copy 56 to 82 pause speed2 'second frame sprite copy 70 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 52 to 72 sprite copy 51 to 73 sprite copy 51 to 74 sprite copy 52 to 75 sprite copy 70 to 76 sprite copy 70 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 56 to 78 sprite copy 55 to 79 sprite copy 55 to 80 sprite copy 56 to 81 sprite copy 70 to 82 pause speed2 'first frame appearing sprite copy 70 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 70 to 72 sprite copy 52 to 73 sprite copy 52 to 74 sprite copy 70 to 75 sprite copy 70 to 76 sprite copy 70 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 70 to 78 sprite copy 56 to 79 sprite copy 56 to 80 sprite copy 70 to 81 sprite copy 70 to 82 pause speed2 'Teeth disappeared sprite copy 70 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 70 to 72 sprite copy 70 to 73 sprite copy 70 to 74 sprite copy 70 to 75 sprite copy 70 to 76 sprite copy 70 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 70 to 78 sprite copy 70 to 79 sprite copy 70 to 80 sprite copy 70 to 81 sprite copy 70 to 82 pause speed2 teethOn=0 return TeethOn: 'first frame appearing sprite copy 70 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 70 to 72 sprite copy 52 to 73 sprite copy 52 to 74 sprite copy 70 to 75 sprite copy 70 to 76 sprite copy 70 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 70 to 78 sprite copy 56 to 79 sprite copy 56 to 80 sprite copy 70 to 81 sprite copy 70 to 82 pause speed2 'second frame sprite copy 70 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 52 to 72 sprite copy 51 to 73 sprite copy 51 to 74 sprite copy 52 to 75 sprite copy 70 to 76 sprite copy 70 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 56 to 78 sprite copy 55 to 79 sprite copy 55 to 80 sprite copy 56 to 81 sprite copy 70 to 82 pause speed2 'third frame sprite copy 52 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 51 to 72 sprite copy 50 to 73 sprite copy 50 to 74 sprite copy 51 to 75 sprite copy 52 to 76 sprite copy 56 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 55 to 78 sprite copy 54 to 79 sprite copy 54 to 80 sprite copy 55 to 81 sprite copy 56 to 82 pause speed2 'fourth frame sprite copy 51 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 50 to 72 sprite copy 49 to 73 sprite copy 49 to 74 sprite copy 50 to 75 sprite copy 51 to 76 sprite copy 55 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 54 to 78 sprite copy 53 to 79 sprite copy 53 to 80 sprite copy 54 to 81 sprite copy 55 to 82 pause speed2 'back to full sprite copy 50 to 71 'top teeth left to right sprite copy 49 to 72 sprite copy 40 to 73 sprite copy 40 to 74 sprite copy 49 to 75 sprite copy 50 to 76 sprite copy 54 to 77 'bottom teeth left to right sprite copy 53 to 78 sprite copy 36 to 79 sprite copy 36 to 80 sprite copy 53 to 81 sprite copy 54 to 82 pause speed2 teethOn=1 endif return MouthOpen: 'Mouth open animation for y=1 to 18 step 1 sprite move 71,tooth1x,tooth1y-y sprite move 72,tooth2x,tooth2y-y sprite move 73,tooth3x,tooth3y-y sprite move 74,tooth4x,tooth4y-y sprite move 75,tooth5x,tooth5y-y sprite move 76,tooth6x,tooth6y-y sprite move 77,tooth7x,tooth7y+y sprite move 78,tooth8x,tooth8y+y sprite move 79,tooth9x,tooth9y+y sprite move 80,tooth10x,tooth10y+y sprite move 81,tooth11x,tooth11y+y sprite move 82,tooth12x,tooth12y+y pause speed2 next y tooth1y=tooth1y-18 'need to shift actual positions because they dont change in For Next loop. tooth2y=tooth2y-18 tooth3y=tooth3y-18 tooth4y=tooth4y-18 tooth5y=tooth5y-18 tooth6y=tooth6y-18 tooth7y=tooth7y+18 tooth8y=tooth8y+18 tooth9y=tooth9y+18 tooth10y=tooth10y+18 tooth11y=tooth11y+18 tooth12y=tooth12y+18 mouthOpen=1 endif Return MouthClose: for y=1 to 18 step 1 sprite move 71,tooth1x,tooth1y+y sprite move 72,tooth2x,tooth2y+y sprite move 73,tooth3x,tooth3y+y sprite move 74,tooth4x,tooth4y+y sprite move 75,tooth5x,tooth5y+y sprite move 76,tooth6x,tooth6y+y sprite move 77,tooth7x,tooth7y-y sprite move 78,tooth8x,tooth8y-y sprite move 79,tooth9x,tooth9y-y sprite move 80,tooth10x,tooth10y-y sprite move 81,tooth11x,tooth11y-y sprite move 82,tooth12x,tooth12y-y pause speed2 next y tooth1y=tooth1y+18 'need to shift actual positions because they dont change in For Next loop. tooth2y=tooth2y+18 tooth3y=tooth3y+18 tooth4y=tooth4y+18 tooth5y=tooth5y+18 tooth6y=tooth6y+18 tooth7y=tooth7y-18 tooth8y=tooth8y-18 tooth9y=tooth9y-18 tooth10y=tooth10y-18 tooth11y=tooth11y-18 tooth12y=tooth12y-18 mouthOpen=0 endif return TalkOpen: 'Talk animation subroutines for y=1 to 18 step 1 sprite move 71,tooth1x,tooth1y-y sprite move 72,tooth2x,tooth2y-y sprite move 73,tooth3x,tooth3y-y sprite move 74,tooth4x,tooth4y-y sprite move 75,tooth5x,tooth5y-y sprite move 76,tooth6x,tooth6y-y sprite move 77,tooth7x,tooth7y+y sprite move 78,tooth8x,tooth8y+y sprite move 79,tooth9x,tooth9y+y sprite move 80,tooth10x,tooth10y+y sprite move 81,tooth11x,tooth11y+y sprite move 82,tooth12x,tooth12y+y pause 0 next y gosub Nom tooth1y=tooth1y-18 'need to shift actual positions because they dont change in For Next loop. tooth2y=tooth2y-18 tooth3y=tooth3y-18 tooth4y=tooth4y-18 tooth5y=tooth5y-18 tooth6y=tooth6y-18 tooth7y=tooth7y+18 tooth8y=tooth8y+18 tooth9y=tooth9y+18 tooth10y=tooth10y+18 tooth11y=tooth11y+18 tooth12y=tooth12y+18 mouthOpen=1 return TalkClose: for y=1 to 18 step 1 sprite move 71,tooth1x,tooth1y+y sprite move 72,tooth2x,tooth2y+y sprite move 73,tooth3x,tooth3y+y sprite move 74,tooth4x,tooth4y+y sprite move 75,tooth5x,tooth5y+y sprite move 76,tooth6x,tooth6y+y sprite move 77,tooth7x,tooth7y-y sprite move 78,tooth8x,tooth8y-y sprite move 79,tooth9x,tooth9y-y sprite move 80,tooth10x,tooth10y-y sprite move 81,tooth11x,tooth11y-y sprite move 82,tooth12x,tooth12y-y pause 0 next y tooth1y=tooth1y+18 'need to shift actual positions because they dont change in For Next loop. tooth2y=tooth2y+18 tooth3y=tooth3y+18 tooth4y=tooth4y+18 tooth5y=tooth5y+18 tooth6y=tooth6y+18 tooth7y=tooth7y-18 tooth8y=tooth8y-18 tooth9y=tooth9y-18 tooth10y=tooth10y-18 tooth11y=tooth11y-18 tooth12y=tooth12y-18 mouthOpen=0 endif return Laugh: 'pretty much the best "Laugh" i could come up with with tone loops lol. Yeah it's pretty bad i know. for i=1 to 4 for x=600 to 1 step -0.15 tone x,x next x next i for x=600 to 10 step -0.05 tone x,x next x return Nom: for x=1 to 200 step 0.7 tone x,x next x tone Stop Return EarthOn: 'earth on animation If earthOn=0 then 'frame 5 sprite copy 127 to 1 sprite copy 128 to 2 sprite copy 129 to 3 sprite copy 130 to 4 sprite copy 131 to 5 sprite copy 132 to 6 sprite copy 133 to 7 sprite copy 134 to 8 sprite copy 135 to 9 for x=1 to 167 step 3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame 4 sprite copy 118 to 1 sprite copy 119 to 2 sprite copy 120 to 3 sprite copy 121 to 4 sprite copy 122 to 5 sprite copy 123 to 6 sprite copy 124 to 7 sprite copy 125 to 8 sprite copy 126 to 9 for x=167 to 334 step 3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame 3 sprite copy 109 to 1 sprite copy 110 to 2 sprite copy 111 to 3 sprite copy 112 to 4 sprite copy 113 to 5 sprite copy 114 to 6 sprite copy 115 to 7 sprite copy 116 to 8 sprite copy 117 to 9 for x=334 to 500 step 3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame 2 sprite copy 100 to 1 sprite copy 101 to 2 sprite copy 102 to 3 sprite copy 103 to 4 sprite copy 104 to 5 sprite copy 105 to 6 sprite copy 106 to 7 sprite copy 107 to 8 sprite copy 108 to 9 for x=500 to 667 step 3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'Frame 1 sprite copy 91 to 1 sprite copy 92 to 2 sprite copy 93 to 3 sprite copy 94 to 4 sprite copy 95 to 5 sprite copy 96 to 6 sprite copy 97 to 7 sprite copy 98 to 8 sprite copy 99 to 9 for x=667 to 834 step 3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'Frame Full sprite copy 141 to 1 sprite copy 142 to 2 sprite copy 143 to 3 sprite copy 144 to 4 sprite copy 145 to 5 sprite copy 146 to 6 sprite copy 147 to 7 sprite copy 148 to 8 sprite copy 149 to 9 for x=834 to 1000 step 3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x tone stop earthOn=1 Return EarthOff: 'Earth off animation if earthOn=1 then 'Frame 1 sprite copy 91 to 1 sprite copy 92 to 2 sprite copy 93 to 3 sprite copy 94 to 4 sprite copy 95 to 5 sprite copy 96 to 6 sprite copy 97 to 7 sprite copy 98 to 8 sprite copy 99 to 9 for x=1000 to 834 step -3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame 2 sprite copy 100 to 1 sprite copy 101 to 2 sprite copy 102 to 3 sprite copy 103 to 4 sprite copy 104 to 5 sprite copy 105 to 6 sprite copy 106 to 7 sprite copy 107 to 8 sprite copy 108 to 9 for x=834 to 667 step -3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame 3 sprite copy 109 to 1 sprite copy 110 to 2 sprite copy 111 to 3 sprite copy 112 to 4 sprite copy 113 to 5 sprite copy 114 to 6 sprite copy 115 to 7 sprite copy 116 to 8 sprite copy 117 to 9 for x=667 to 500 step -3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame 4 sprite copy 118 to 1 sprite copy 119 to 2 sprite copy 120 to 3 sprite copy 121 to 4 sprite copy 122 to 5 sprite copy 123 to 6 sprite copy 124 to 7 sprite copy 125 to 8 sprite copy 126 to 9 for x=500 to 334 step -3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame 5 sprite copy 127 to 1 sprite copy 128 to 2 sprite copy 129 to 3 sprite copy 130 to 4 sprite copy 131 to 5 sprite copy 132 to 6 sprite copy 133 to 7 sprite copy 134 to 8 sprite copy 135 to 9 for x=334 to 167 step -3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x 'frame Gone sprite copy 136 to 1 sprite copy 136 to 2 sprite copy 136 to 3 sprite copy 136 to 4 sprite copy 136 to 5 sprite copy 136 to 6 sprite copy 136 to 7 sprite copy 136 to 8 sprite copy 136 to 9 for x=167 to 1 step -3 'fitting sound into what used to be pause cycles tone x,x pause 1 next x tone stop earthOn=0 endif return
mmbasic/eaten_earth.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:30 by