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Circuit Ideas
Great Cow Basic
A Simple GUI pack
AFTER, EVERY, AT, REMAIN Flexible State Machine Timers using Semaphores.
Backpack Tracker curve tracer
Base64 Mime Encode and Decode Functions
Bit Manipulation Functions
Bounce-busting Bullet Proof Rotary Encoder Code
ByREF & ByVAL - (VB work-a-like)
Clock frequency trimming on Micromite II uses 1MHz output
Clock frequency trimming on Micromite II uses precision 32.768KHz output from DS3231 Real Time Clock
Clock or RTC zero-hour AM/PM fix...
Comb Sort for strings
Compact Quick Day Of Week function with historical capability
Compatibility between Micromite MkII MMBasic and MicroMite Extreme (MMX) MMBasic
Complex Encryption Uses RSA For Asymmetrical Keys
Constrain() function
Converting Between Single Precision and Double Precision Floats In Basic
Cube Root of Two Sort - fast sort
DateAdd() Function (VB work-a-like)
DateDiff() Function (VB work-a-like)
DatePart() Function (VB work-a-like)
Day of the Week from DATE$ as day name
Deeply Recursive Ackermann Function with Memoization
Determining the Number of Pins on the Platform
Dewpoint and Heat Index from DHT22 temperature and Humidity sensor
Drive Hd44780 Via I2c
Driving LCD with I2C interface using a Micromite (>5.3)
Dual Function Push Button
Eaten Earth
ESP8266 WiFi Module with multi-session HTTP API (pure MMBasic)
Field Function cField$
HumanTime() Function to return a human readable date and time from a unixtime number
INA219 Current Sensor
IR Remote Control Rx And Tx For NEC JVC Samsung Philips RC-5
IsDate and IsTime functions (VB Work-A-Like)
IsDST - Function to Test a DateTime to see if Daylight Savings should be applied
IsLeapYear Function to determine if the given year is a Leap Year on the Gregorian (western) calendar
IsNumeric Function (VB Work-A-Like)
LBOUND Lower boundary of an Array. A work-around
Line editor for interactive editing of text lines/pages - LINEEDIT.BAS
LPrint for attached serial printer - legacy BASIC statement
LTrim and RTrim Functions (VB work-a-like)
LTrim RTrim CFunctions
Map() Function
MAXIDASH dashboard and IDE
MCP342x I2C ADCs using MMBasic
MCP4922 DAC on SPI using MMBasic
Measuring RMS (algorythm) using MMBasic
Midd$ Function to replace a section of a string, works like VB statement Mid$()
MMBasic - Create/Manipulate Stack, Queue or List
MMBasic code-pack to Read and Write Winbond Flash Memories
MMBasic Driver For MCP2515 SPI CAN Adaptor
MMUNIX - UNIX-like commands: cat dir grep more
MMX - time of the seasons
Modbus CRC uses the bit by bit method
Modbus CRC uses the table lookup method for speed
MOON.BAS lunar calendar with graphics and simple GUI
Multiple LCD panel displays
Music demo
Now() Function (VB work-a-like)
Phase of the Moon for given date
Picomite To LCD Via I2C
PID Control in MMBasic
Program Step - A Fast, Flexible Debugging Aid
pslist - simple list select Sub routine
psmenu - simple menu to select a menu item
Quadrature Multichannel Decoder For Picomite Using PIO
Quick and Dirty Daylight Indicator
Quick Day Of Week (and tiny too)
RC4 Encryption and Decryption Functions
REDIM Redimension an array (VB work-a-like)
Refrigerator temperature sensor with five zones
Regular Expression Function
REPLACE$ Function (VB work-a-like)
RepRap 20x4 LCD Encoder Wheel support
Rise and Set of the Sun
Sensible Cartesian Co-ordinate graphics pack
Shape drawing for Complex Lines and Polygons
Shell Sort
SHIFT or ROTATE an array of integers
Short range radio network (not WiFi). SLAVE module. Uses cheapie 433MHz modules or HC-12
Sign Extend an Integer
Simple Encryption
Simple Decimal to BCD conversion function
sinput - String input, with edit functions
SMS (Text) Gateway with MicroMite
Some Hints & Tips for writing efficient code.
Sort algorithms - A comparison
sort1 - sort strings, on a number inside the strings
sortname - sort strings, on a name inside the strings
SPLIT Function (VB work-a-like)
String editing on-screen for VT compatible Terminals
Switch de-bounce uses Ganssle's Algorithm for Zero Delays
Temperature measurement reading the internal sensor on PIC32MX170
Temperature Measurement with DS3231 Realtime Clock RTC
True Random Generator (companion code for circuit)
UBound() Function. Returns the Upper-most dimension of an Array.
uFormat$() and StrE$() provide flexible formatting of numeric values
Ultra-Compact Logging with Flash Storage on small MicroMites
UnixTime or Epoch Time
VT Console Pack. Screen Positioning, Sane Key Scanning And a String Editing Routine
Xmodem CRC
ZPad$() - pad a number with leading zeroes
MMBasic Hardware Backpacks Firmware Manuals Games etc.
MMBasic Original Library
Platform Agnostic
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· Last modified: 2024/01/29 18:34 by
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