ESP8266 WiFi Module with multi-session HTTP API (pure MMBasic)
This is a complete ESP8266 module that will connect to the WiFi of your choice and then accept connection inbound. No CFunctions or anything, purely handling a serial port and chopping up whatever comes through. It works really well and is fast. It handles multiple inbound connections - up to five at a time. It looks like a big deal but a lot of it is simply functions to make string handling easier (at the bottom).
This might be for a MicroMite based web server or to allow you to set the MicroMite doing things. Here I don't write back HTML (API doesn't require it) but you could just as easily, you could ask for status on bits, analogue inputs. You could send Instructions for quite complex activities, your imagination is the limit.
This is an extract (with changes) from my SMS Gateway. I connect in with a web page and issue commands via this collection to send text message from my website. This bit works perfect, all the time… (the M590 GSM module is more temperamental and I have some work to do before I can publish that bit).
This is enough to get you going, you have to pick the bones apart of the main loop and understand what is happening but it is mainly just detecting the inbound connection and then using string slicing to pick apart the HTTP request to see what is being asked for.
Here's a load of links I used when I was getting this working. Research loads!
' 'ESP8266 Module. Andrew Henderson. October 2016 ' 'Preamble OPTION BASE 0 CONST LAN=2 'S/W Init DIM STRING A$,B$,D$ DIM STRING LNBuf$ DIM STRING LANRxLN$,LANTxLN$,TChr$ LENGTH 1 DIM INTEGER C,Z,TOFg,Chan,Conn(4),PingTMR,PingCtr,RL1TMR LANf DIM FLOAT x 'Starting WLAN Interface Open "COM2:9600,1024" As #LAN ESP8266Reset Main: ' don't do this every time through the loop, set a timer for no more than 60second intervals { 'Test Internet connectivity - you'll have to handle what to do if this is broken, there's nothing here for it. A$=ESP8266Exec$("AT+PING="+PA,4000,0) ' PA=Ping address. try to be nice here and set this to a DNS server from your ISP e.g. 100,200,111,222 or or something that won't mind you pinging them IF A$="OK" THEN 'good '... ELSE 'internet down '... END IF } 'Web API parsing LANRxLN$=GetIO$(LAN,1) IF LANRxLN$="" OR LANRxLN$="T/O" THEN GOTO Main ' nothing waiting on the input IF MID$(LANRxLN$,2,8)=",CONNECT" THEN ' ESP8266 provides the connect as an indication of HTTP input Chan=VAL(LANRxLN$) IF Chan>=0 AND Chan<=4 THEN Conn(Chan)=1 PRINT "Inbound connect channel "+STR$(Chan) 'Inbound connect channel on channel 0 - 5 GOTO IPEXIT END IF END IF IF MID$(LANRxLN$,2,7)=",CLOSED" THEN ' ESP8266 provides the closed as an indication of HTTP channel closing ' either coz it was explicit or it timed out Chan=VAL(LANRxLN$) IF Chan>=0 AND Chan<=4 THEN IF Conn(Chan)=0 THEN A$=" Abnormally " ELSE A$="" PRINT "Closed channel "+STR$(Chan) + A$ Conn(Chan)=0 GOTO IPEXIT END IF END IF IF LEFT$(LANRxLN$,5)="+IPD," THEN Chan=VAL(MID$(LANRxLN$,6,1)) IF Chan>4 THEN GOTO IPDerrEXIT IF Conn(Chan)<>1 THEN GOTO IPDerrEXIT 'channel not open z=INSTR(LANRxLN$,":GET /<my page, e.g. index.htm>") ' +IPD,0,nnn:GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1 do:a$=GetIO$(LAN,2):loop until a$="Connection: Keep-Alive" ' empty the rest of the envelope, this string is the last part of an HTTP connection header IF z=>8 AND Z<=11 THEN ' checking for the position of the arguments in the string - your mileage will vary... simple sanity check b$=MID$(LANRxLN$,z+13) z=INSTR(b$," HTTP/") IF z<21 THEN GOTO IPDerrEXIT '... and again b$=LEFT$(b$,z-1) ' remove the HTTP bit b$=Replace$(b$,"+"," ")' + to spaces args=Split(b$,"?") ' split the request arguments out IF args <3 THEN GOTO IPDerrEXIT ' your arguments might vary - I have two, the header + two arguments = 3 strings from the spilt FOR n=2 TO args 'args=1 is a dummy SELECT CASE LEFT$(ucase$(SP$(n)),4) ' check for the name of the argument here and assign the value to a variable CASE "VAR1=" var1$=LTrim$(RTrim$(MID$(sp$(n),5))) CASE "VAR2=" var2$=LTrim$(RTrim$(MID$(sp$(n),5))) END SELECT NEXT IF var1$="" OR var2$="" THEN GOTO IPDerrEXIT ' don't allow empty values - your mileage may vary ERASE SP$ Msg$=URLDecode$(Msg$) ' other api calls go here, I only have one in this application END IF GOTO IPDerrEXIT 'default action IF we don't find an API call END IF GOTO IPEXIT IPDerrEXIT: B$="ERROR: Malformed request {"+LANRxLN$+"}" IPOKEXIT: PRINT #LAN,"AT+CIPSENDEX="+STR$(Chan)+",255" ' send our response back to the requestor PAUSE 100 PRINT#LAN,B$+"\0" PAUSE 100 PRINT#LAN,"AT+CIPCLOSE="+STR$(Chan) ' then close the channel nicely Conn(Chan)=0 IPEXIT: GOTO Main END '------------------ ESP8266 WiFi Modem SUBsys ------------- SUB ESP8266Reset LOCAL STRING A$ LOCAL INTEGER N PULSE LANRST,10 ' whatever pin you have connected to the reset of the ESP8266 PAUSE 400 LANExec "ATE0",2,0 LANExec "AT+CWAUTOCONN=0",2,0 ' turn off autoconnect while we initialise LANExec "AT+CWMODE=1",2,0 LANExec "AT+CWQAP",4,0 ' disconnect any existing WiFi connections LANExec "AT+RFVDD",2,0 LANExec "AT+CWJAP="+AP+","+PW,10,1 ' AP= name of the network you want to join e.g. your WIFI SSID - and PW= it's password LANExec "AT+CIPSTA="+IP+","+GW+","+MS,2,0 ' the IP and Gateway address for static IP addresses, rem this line for a static IP LANExec "AT+CIFSR",2,0 LANExec "AT+CWAUTOCONN=1",2,0 ' turn autoconnect back on so if the WiFi drops, the ESP8266 will self negotiate to get it back LANExec "AT+CIPMUX=1",2,0 LANExec "AT+CIPSERVER=1,19090",2,0 ' turn on the server with the port you want your API to listen on, normally HTTP is 80 or sometimes 8080, here I listen on 19090... you can use anything from 1 - 65536 but as a guideline; avoid anything below 1000 if you are not using 80 LANTxLN$="":LANRxLN$="" ' buffers for receive and transmit FOR N=0 TO 4:Conn(N)=0:NEXT ' clear the channel connection flags END SUB SUB LANExec(CM$,T,Suppress) 'temp - will go when we have better handling of the startup LOCAL STRING A$ A$=ESP8266Exec$(CM$,T,Suppress) IF Suppress<2 THEN CLog A$,0 END SUB FUNCTION ESP8266Exec$(Com$,TimeOut,Obf) LOCAL STRING A$ LENGTH 1,LN$ LOCAL INTEGER C PRINT #LAN,Com$ DO LN$=GetIO$(LAN,TimeOut) IF LN$="T/O" THEN ESP8266Exec$="T/O":EXIT DO IF LN$<>"" THEN IF Obf<2 THEN CLog "["+LN$+"]",0 IF LN$="OK" OR LN$=">" OR LN$="SEND OK" THEN ESP8266Exec$=LN$:EXIT DO IF INSTR(LN$,"ERROR") THEN ESP8266Exec$="ERROR ["+LNBuf$+"]":EXIT DO END IF LOOP END FUNCTION '---------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION GetIO$(io,TimeOut) LOCAL STRING a$,b$ LOCAL INTEGER c StartTOTimer TimeOut DO IF TOFg=1 THEN GetIO$="T/O":EXIT DO IF LOC(#io)<>0 THEN A$=INPUT$(1,#io):C=ASC(A$) SELECT CASE C CASE 13 GetIO$=b$:EXIT DO CASE 0 TO 31 CASE ELSE IF LEN(b$)+LEN(a$)<255 THEN b$=b$+a$ ELSE b$=a$ END SELECT END IF LOOP ClearTOTimer END FUNCTION SUB FlushIO(stream) LOCAL STRING A$ DO WHILE LOC(#stream)<>0 PAUSE 50:A$=INPUT$(LOC(#stream),#stream):PAUSE 50 LOOP END SUB FUNCTION Replace$(a$,b$,c$) LOCAL INTEGER z LOCAL STRING x$,y$ z=1 DO z=INSTR(z,a$,b$) IF z=0 THEN EXIT DO x$=LEFT$(a$,z-1):y$=MID$(a$,z+LEN(b$)):a$=x$+c$+y$:z=LEN(x$)+LEN(c$) LOOP Replace$=a$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION URLDecode$(a$) LOCAL INTEGER z LOCAL STRING b$,c$ z=1 DO z=INSTR(z,a$,"%") IF z=0 OR z=LEN(a$) THEN EXIT DO b$=MID$(a$,z,3):c$=CHR$(VAL("&h"+MID$(b$,2))):a$=Replace$(a$,b$,c$) LOOP URLDecode$=a$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION LTrim$(a$) LOCAL INTEGER m FOR m=1 TO LEN(a$) IF not(MID$(a$,m,1)=" " OR MID$(a$,m,1)=CHR$(9)) THEN LTrim$=MID$(a$,m):EXIT FUNCTION NEXT LTrim$="" END FUNCTION FUNCTION RTrim$(a$) LOCAL INTEGER n FOR n=LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF not(MID$(a$,n,1)=" " OR MID$(a$,n,1)=CHR$(9)) THEN RTrim$=LEFT$(a$,n):EXIT FUNCTION NEXT RTrim$="" END FUNCTION FUNCTION Split(a$,b$) LOCAL INTEGER z,n,m ON ERROR SKIP ERASE SP$ z=1:n=0 DO z=INSTR(z,a$,b$) IF z=0 THEN IF n=0 THEN DIM SP$(1):SP$(1)=a$:Split=1:EXIT FUNCTION ELSE EXIT DO END IF ELSE n=n+1:z=z+LEN(b$) END IF LOOP m=n+1:n=1 DIM SP$(m) DO z=INSTR(1,a$,b$) IF z=0 THEN SP$(m)=a$:EXIT DO ELSE SP$(n)=LEFT$(a$,z-1):a$=MID$(a$,z+LEN(b$)):n=n+1 END IF LOOP Split=m END FUNCTION