
MMBasic - Create/Manipulate Stack, Queue or List

Stack, Queue and List Routines for Strings and Numeric values
Code is included in the zipped attachment

String Operations

S.STACK.CREATE string$,width

Create a string as a holder for multiple substrings of width characters long for use as a Last 
In, First Out (LIFO) stack. Maximum number of substrings is width x number of substrings =< 250. 
Eg. max 25 of 10 character longs strings. Strings of less than width are right justified and 
padded with spaces.

Routine returns with string$ set up as the holder with the width in character positions 
1 and 2 (maximum 99) and a pointer to the bottom of the stack + 1 in positions 3, 4 and 5.

S.STACK.PUSH string$,data$

Push data$ onto stack string$. If data$ is shorter than width, data$ is right justified and 
padded with spaces.


Function to pop the top substring off the stack string$.

All string stack operations are checked for overflow, underflow or substrings too wide.

Queue Operations

S.QUEUE.CREATE string$,width

Create a string as a holder for multiple substrings of width characters long for use as a 
First In, First Out (FIFO) queue. Maximum number of substrings is width x number of 
substrings =< 250. Eg. max 25 of 10 character longs strings. Strings of less than width 
are right justified and padded with spaces.

Routine returns with string$ set up as the holder with the width in character positions 
1 and 2 (maximum 99) and a pointer to the bottom of the stack + 1 in positions 3, 4 and 5.

S.QUEUE.PUSH string$,data$

Push data$ onto queue string$. If data$ is shorter than width, data$ is right justified and 
padded with spaces.


Function to pop the bottom (first) substring off the queue string$.
All string queue operations are checked for overflow, underflow or substrings too wide.

List Operations

S.LIST.CREATE string$,width

Create a string as a holder for multiple substrings of width characters long for use as a 
random access list. Maximum number of substrings is width x number of substrings =< 250. 
Eg. max 25 of 10 character longs strings. Strings of less than width are right justified 
and padded with spaces.

Routine returns with string$ set up as the holder with the width in character positions 
1 and 2 (maximum 99) and a pointer to the bottom of the list + 1 in positions 3, 4 and 5.

S.LIST.ADD string$,data$

Add data$ onto list string$ at the bottom. If data$ is shorter than width, data$ is right
 justified and padded with spaces.

S.LIST.FILL string$,file$

Add data$ onto list string$ at the bottom from text file file$. Text file file$ must have 
each entry of length width or less and terminated with CRLF.  CRLF is stripped prior to 
data$ being added to list. If data$ is shorter than width, data$ is right justified and 
padded with spaces.


Function to return the list entry pointed to by index. The list is not modified.
All string list operations are checked for overflow or substrings too wide.


Commands for numeric manipulation in a stack.

Numeric Operations

N.STACK.CREATE string$,width

Create a string as a holder for multiple substrings of numeric variables for use as a 
Last In, First Out (LIFO) stack. Maximum number of numeric values pushed onto the 
stack is 62.

Routine returns with string$ set up as the holder with the width in character positions
 1 and 2 (always 4) and a pointer to the bottom of the stack + 1 in positions 3, 4 and 5.

N.STACK.PUSH string$,data

Push numeric data onto stack string$.


Function to pop the top numeric value off the stack string$.


Function to return the average of all the numerical values on the stack.
All operations are checked for overflow, underflow or substrings too wide.

Doug Pankhurst

mmbasic/mmbasic_create_manipulate_stack_queue_or_list.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:30 by