PicoMite: MCP4922 DAC on SPI
Digital Analog Converter Chip: MCP4922, 2-channel, 12bit (also other versions available)
I used this DAC before and think it is a nice chip. TBS Thread
Be sure to get the active LOW-Pins LDAC_ and SHDN_ right, LDAC_ to LOW/GND will trigger the conversion every time the CS_ is rised, so we can save one Pin on the Picomite. Tie SHDN_to VDD to have the chip work.
Here is some code which works for me and might get you started.
' MCP4922 Dual 12bit DAC SetPin GP2,GP3,GP4,SPI SetPin GP6, DOUT Pin(GP6) = 1 SPI open 4000000,0,16 Do For a% = 0 To 4096-8 Step 64 ' CS Down (LOW Active) Pin(GP6)=0 ' DACn Write Buffer Gain_ Shutdown_ ' DWBGS junk = SPI(&B0111000000000000 + a%) ' 1st DAC Pin(GP6)=1 Pin(GP6)=0 junk = SPI(&B1111000000000000 + a%) ' 2nd DAC ' CS Pin(GP6)=1 'Print a% 'Pause 300 Next a% Loop SPI Close
mmbasic/picomite_mcp4922_dac_on_spi.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/22 22:38 by gerry