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HumanTime() Function to return a human readable date and time from a unixtime number
This function returns a string which is the combined date and time from the unixtime number provided. It is the counterpart of the UnixTime function - Humantime() and Unixtime() translate each-others outputs.
A format option formats the date part as follows:
- DD-MM-YYYY when opt=0 or omitted (this matches DATE$)
- YYYY-MM-DD when opt<>0
The option can be omitted if required
Example Usage:
Print HumanTime(ut_from_log,1)
Print HumanTime(ut_my_birthday)
Dependencies: The following functions must be included in your program for HumanTime() to work correctly…
Function HumanTime(UUT As Integer,opt As Integer) As String ' take seconds since 1970-01-01 (unixtime) and converts to a human form date/time as ' if opt=0 (or not specified) the format is dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss" to match the format of DATE$ ' if opt<>0 the date part is returned as yyyy-mm-dd to aid sorting and avoid Local integer d,m,s,y,z,UT UT=UUT 'preserve original argument If UT<0 Then HumanTime$="":Exit Function y=1970:d=UT\86400:s=UT Mod 86400 Do z=365+IsLeapYear(y) If d>=z Then d=d-z:y=y+1 Else Exit Do EndIf Loop 'here, Y is the current year and d the remaining days m=1' start at january ' days between the start of the year and the current month Do z=0 Select Case m Case 1,3,5,7,8,10 If d>=31 Then d=d-31:z=1 Case 2 If IsLeapYear(y)Then If d>=29 Then d=d-29:z=1 Else If d>=28 Then d=d-28:z=1 EndIf Case 4,6,9,11 If d>=30 Then d=d-30:z=1 End Select If z=1 Then m=m+1 Else d=d+1:Exit Do 'first day is 1 not 0 EndIf Loop If opt<>0 Then HumanTime$=Str$(y)+"-"+ZPad$(m,2)+"-"+ZPad$(d,2) Else HumanTime$=ZPad$(d,2)+"-"+ZPad$(m,2)+"-"+Str$(y) EndIf y=s\3600:s=s-y*3600 m=s\60:s=s-m*60 HumanTime$=HumanTime$+" "+ZPad$(y,2)+":"+ZPad$(m,2)+":"+ZPad$(s,2) End Function
See Also:
mmbasic/humantime_function_to_return_a_human_readable_date_and_time_from_a_unixtime_number.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/19 09:30 by